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Thread: Gunsmith for lever actions?

  1. #16
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 308mate View Post
    What about trigger jobs? Thinking of getting a Marlin 30/30 or 45'70 and have heard the aftermarket drop in parts for triggers are limited?
    Unless you are specifically offended by the floppy Marlin trigger, I would not bother with replacement blades like the Wild West kit.

    Really not that hard to do a trigger job on a Marlin. Some polishing of surfaces with a dremel, cutting 1/2 coil off springs at a time etc. Lever guns have fairly simplistic designs by nature.
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  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    Unless you are specifically offended by the floppy Marlin trigger, I would not bother with replacement blades like the Wild West kit.

    Really not that hard to do a trigger job on a Marlin. Some polishing of surfaces with a dremel, cutting 1/2 coil off springs at a time etc. Lever guns have fairly simplistic designs by nature.
    Dont know if I trust myself to do that right, may just get a gunsmith to sort it

  3. #18
    Large Member mimms's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    Unless you are specifically offended by the floppy Marlin trigger, I would not bother with replacement blades like the Wild West kit.

    Really not that hard to do a trigger job on a Marlin. Some polishing of surfaces with a dremel, cutting 1/2 coil off springs at a time etc. Lever guns have fairly simplistic designs by nature.
    This bit I disagree with.
    Unless you're really careful. Or trying to change sear angles, A FINE file, wet'n'dry emery paper and an oil stone are all you need. Polish the sliding surfaces.
    Changing spring characteristics CAN get dangerous if you don't understand how they work, but as suggested, take off a little at a time.

    I think a lot of people think guns are voodoo (probably car engines, too) but they are just tools/machines, made by men, and operate on the same basic principals they have for hundreds of years. There really isn't anything difficult about working on them, it's all skills that can be learned. Take your time and remember it's usually easier taking metal off than putting it on.

    Only caveat is to doubletriple check for safe function once you've modified it. I usually cock them, safety off, then use 'em for a couple of innings as a cricket bat to make sure they wont accidentally fire.

  4. #19
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    Just had a Savage 99 threaded, barrel had to be removed to fit the lathe, consider that when you decide who you get to thread it.

  5. #20
    Large Member mimms's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tetawa View Post
    Just had a Savage 99 threaded, barrel had to be removed to fit the lathe, consider that when you decide who you get to thread it.
    That would be SOP to ensure threads are concentric to bore. I wouldn't do it any other way.

  6. #21
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    Can you buy aftermarket Henry and Marlin triggers?

  7. #22
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    I've had 2 sav 99's threaded. No problems.
    Not like some of the press fit barrels coming from other places.



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