Did you go these ones https://soundgear.com/collections/re...product-silver
Or these?
Did you go these ones https://soundgear.com/collections/re...product-silver
Or these?
That’s the same link but I assume you mean the silver or platinum? In which case, I have the platinums.
I wanted the phantoms but they weren’t available in NZ when I got them. If they are now, they would probably be my pick. I could have got them out of the states but I wanted my audiologist to do the fitting and any running around if they weren’t perfect.
Rising 69 and wearing dual hearing aids.a Few pointers from my very clued up audiologist .never wear hearing aids when actaully using a firearm.Mine come out into their case and into my shirt pocket .Ive got a set of H&Fmaffs that do the job for me ..finish shooting muffs round neck H/As reinstalled. do not mention shooting if going near ACC for H/A funding. Arseholes refused mine even though an ENT specialist showed the extreme levels of explosive sounds I was exposed to during my TF career were pertinent .they use a checklist for spotty herbert to decline your claim.typical fucking insurers. Please avail yourselves of hearing protection when shooting -you owe it to yourselfand family as lost hearing does NOT repair itself.
yes AND no...... its still loud enough to damage hearing....and killing power will be less,your in effect downsizing your cartridge eg turning 22-250 into 222 or .300wsm into 308 or 308 into 30/30 or 7.62x39mm subsonic is the extreme end of doing it but killing power sucks if aim is off.
75/15/10 black powder matters