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Thread: How to break in a new gun?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by hunter308 View Post
    With all of the new rifles I have had the barrel has had a damn good clean before firing it for the first time and just clean the barrel after sighting in. You may want to take that savage axis to a gunsmith at some stage for a trigger job to take the half ton of pull needed to squeeze off a round out of it.
    They are up to the axis II these days, have an accutrigger and most will shoot around MOA. The biggest issue with the cheaper rifles is the lower amounts of QC that they recieve in order to keep production costs down. This means that while most will shoot fine and a few very well you will invariably have a few lemons that make it out into the general public.

    The low end bolt rifle is a very competitve field these days, and hence the quality of firearm you get for the money is getting better and better. IMO where they all fall short is in the stocks. Cheap plastic stocks suck.

  2. #32
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougie View Post
    Yup I do but love the model 16 as well
    Mod 16 is the Weather Warrior, half a step up from the Trophy Hunter (similar but stainless and available with the accustock).

    Axis is a step down, the budget model of the range hence not having as many fans. Still generally give decent accuracy, but haven't had the accutrigger option until recently and from what I've heard just feel a bit cheap and plastic in comparison, not as solidly built. Made to a price just like everything else, but a lower price than most.
    Dougie likes this.

  3. #33
    Keep safe in the hills! Gunzrrr's Avatar
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    Different folks - different breakin methods. The easy way has been described by others above ... do look at your instruction manual.
    I like to shoot as much as I can so I shoot a series of single shots with low cost (production) ammo, each shot followed by a good clean, then a series of five-shot groups, each followed by a thorough cleaning. For a centerfire rifle - I like to put 50 rounds minimum through it before taking it into the field. The accuracy (and your confidence) definately improves as the microscopic imperfections from manufacturing smooth out.
    I'm not a hand loader and hunt with Norma ammo - so once I start to feel like the bore is settling down - I then sight it in again with my favourite Norma ammo.
    The other reason I like to shoot a new rifle lots before taking it into the field is to become familiar with the controls as none of my rifles are the same in operation (excluding my Sauers) i.e. different bolt actions, safetey's, mag releases, etc.
    Keep safe in the hills ... cheers Gunzrrr
    Scouser and PERRISCICABA like this.

  4. #34
    Keep safe in the hills! Gunzrrr's Avatar
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    Just came across an interesting article that may be of interest ... some yank was saying that ... if you shoot a magnum rifle, or a rifle of any calibre with a lightweight barrel, you are going to have problems with overheating. Fire no more than three shots at a time, and let the barrel cool to where it is no hotter than tepid (it's way too hot if you can't hold on to it and count to 10) before you continue.

  5. #35
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    not saying the barrel break in procedure is a myth but just remember your rifle is made to serve you not the other way round, just use the thing don't become a slave to myths on the internet i choose to think they are myths doesn't necessarily mean they are.... but i got more important things to worry about in life then if my barrel going to wear out 10% faster coz i gave a shit, just shoot the bastard that's what its for its a tool it works for you!
    Dougie likes this.

  6. #36
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    shoot it

    first 3 through mine

    veitnamcam and Dougie like this.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gimp View Post
    shoot it

    first 3 through mine

    Not a fair comparison bro, your barrel cost like 3 times what old mates whole rifle costs.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Also, nice shooting

  9. #39
    Rob von tempsky fan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proudkiwi View Post

    Not a fair comparison bro, your barrel cost like 3 times what old mates whole rifle costs.
    Plus it was probably shot at 25m.

  10. #40
    Member Willie's Avatar
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    Just throwing my bugger all knowledge in, try lots of different ammo. Surprising how one barrel loves one and hates another brand of ammo. My remington, same latte class as yours, loves Hornady (150m grouping is about 3-4 inches) but Remington Coreloct (150 metres about 5 inches) don't do that well out of it. The deer don't give a damn about my grouping but i do. Also loves American Whitetail but i can't get that as easily now. Have fun finding out.
    Sarcasm: lowest from of wit, highest form of intelligence.



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