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Thread: How do you prevent rust in your gun safe?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    How do you prevent rust in your gun safe?

    Evening all

    Kind of a basic question at first glance but despite employing most of the obvious techniques I am still finding slight surface rusting, mainly on a Baikal single shot but also surprisingly on a Tikka SS.
    Im very generous with gun oil (G96) and have even slathered on grease on the baikal, run a dehumidifier in the wardrobe where the safe is yet still confronted with it. Next step,is to try and rig up a light bulb I guess to keep guns warm.
    It’s annoying as putting me off buying anything blued in case it goes rusty.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Your not touching the metal work at all when putting them back in the safe? My skins juice is killer for rusting rifles I have to carry them back to the safe with an oily rag . No joke I’m not having issues anymore so long as I don’t touch the metal work

  3. #3
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    Cheers Kelton
    I do try to just hold by the stock when putting back. On the Baikal it seems to be just the same few areas time and time again.

  4. #4
    308 is offline
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    Cut the plug off, drill a hole in your safe, feed the cord through then rewire the plug or any aftermarket plug
    I mounted mine at the bottom just under the door as if it would be stepped over if you could walk into the safe, if that makes sense

    I've run mine continuously for about 5 years now, no problem

    The other one I've seen is wiring up a bulb batten and putting incandescent bulbs in - means more changing the bulb out

    Whilst you are waiting to get around to doing this some crystal cupboard drying packets will help - Damprid I think is the brand?
    Last edited by 308; 16-07-2022 at 12:14 AM. Reason: sp

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Well oiled guns for storage I use Engine oil I like it because it’s really thick and stays on for long term and clp for regularly used firearms like my target rifles
    I do a spring clean every few months maybe 4 times a year when i pull everything out and re coat
    I live on the coast things just rust here plus im in an older home not the driest air in the world
    I do not have any issues with guns rusting
    If I ever have (a couple of times) it’s been my Fault

    I keep damp rid in the safe as-well which helps alot

  6. #6
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    One thing that really worked well for me was a mechanical timer and a small wall fan. Air movement at certain times of the day do wonders. Mine was set for the fan to run for a few hours before dawn and a few hours in the evening as it cooled- longer in winter. Adding warmth like a bulb only worked until the bulb is turned off then the temp changes which is the root cause of atmospheric condensation.

    If it is a small locker (up to a foot or so wide...) just a small cooling fan will often be enough. And fans dont suck a huge amount of power.
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  7. #7
    SLR is offline
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    I use 20/50 motor oil on guns that dont get much use but generally i check all of them weekly during winter. Its less of an issue in the warmer months.

  8. #8
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    As said above, keep the temperature constant.
    If the safe is in your bedroom, it might suffer from the moisture that two adults breath into the air, might be over thinking that one though.

    I use Ballistol in everything, as it is good for woodwork. I never have to worry about harming the wood with too much oil.
    And it smells like nectar.
    Better than Waikato @Rushy
    Last edited by 40mm; 16-07-2022 at 01:46 AM. Reason: Spellin
    Use enough gun

  9. #9
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40mm View Post
    And it smells like nectar.
    Better than Waikato @Rushy
    There isn’t any rust in my safe and nor is there on my body. The miracle elixir Waikato has no equal.
    308 and 40mm like this.
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  10. #10
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmwsm View Post
    All you panseys who go on about how bad Waikato is and how it makes you shit. Drinking a crate of Ballistol would make you shit way worse than Waikato.
    But that shit would smell so good, and probably make decent firelighters.
    Use enough gun



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