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Thread: how many of you bought a new rifle to avoid the registration from tomorrow?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    Palmerston North
    I don't think being cautious about the safety of your family and security of your property as hand wringing or panty wadding.

    A pause to let the bugs come out and allow the inevitable failures of any new data base seems wise.

    Besides there is an election to come so may change the goal post again.

    As long as your not triggering any need for registration then there is no need to rush.
    Last edited by PeteD; 23-06-2023 at 11:21 PM.

  2. #17
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Didn't buy anything new, old maybe, maybe not

  3. #18
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bushline View Post
    Without sounding like a dick can someone please school me up on the issue of the registration?
    I’m struggling to see the problem with the registration process if you’re a law abiding citizen? Cheers


    -Government run entities have a track record of not keeping personal data safe.
    -The Police in particular have had a bunch of recent cases of staff accessing data they shouldn't, often with links to unsavoury people.
    -The Government/Police have basically said the register WILL be safe, meaning they likely don't have a process in place for when/if your data gets leaked, meaning your family may be at risk and the Police are hardly going to put armed guards outside your house 24/7. Once your address and info is out there it will never be able to be retracted.
    -The Police don't seem capable of keeping up with changes of address, and couldn't keep correct details of B and E catergory firearms so the registry will likely be full of errors, thus worthless.
    -The reasons for putting the register in place seem to based on ideology rather than real number actually backing up LFOs giving their guns to criminals.
    -The UK has had firearm registration for decades and has restricted semi-auto centrefire rifles and hand guns for decades, yet criminals don't have an issue getting them.
    -Once registation is done the Police will probably be like Australia and the UK where they continue to push more and more restrictions (slippery slope).
    -The Police have been threatening to come down hard on LFO who don't play along, yet criminals continue getting slapped with a wet bus ticket.
    -You need to follow the rules and do what you are told but the gangs seem to be able to take over towns for a funeral, or break lockdown rules and the Police will stand by and do nothing.

    If there is a change of Government the register may well be scraped, even if it's not I'm not going to be first inline to findout if it is actually secure or not.

    I handed in my semi autos on the last week of the buy back so will do the same as registation. I'm sick and tired of doing what I'm told when the powers at be don't care about destroying my hobbies/sport, while they let criminals run amuck with little to no resistance.

    I could say more but then it'll be deemed political, thus not allowed.
    madjon_, Slug, Dreamer and 20 others like this.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Middle Earth
    In France, till 1992 you could buy most of what we consider A-cat guns now days here , with just your driving licence ID.
    You could buy semi auto Ar-15, mini 14, valmet, galil,.etc provided they were in a civilian caliber (222remington, 7-08 and 243 and 300 savage among the more popular ones) and limited to 10 shot mags.

    You could register them if you wanted ,but there was no obligation, as there was a trace in the book of the gundealer who would have sold it to you.
    Come 1st January 1992, all the semi auto with detachable magazines moved up a category an needed a specific licence ( a bit like the pistol licence here in nz) to be able to buy and own them. The semi autos that could be permanently converted to 2shots in the mag and 1 in the chamber stayed in the “A-cat” category.

    For all the people who already owned one prior to 1992, they were grandfathered the right to keep them for life, or sell them to a valid licence holder or dealer or get them either destroyed or rendered inoperable by a government entity so as to keep them as a display piece ( we call that demilitarised).

    Also , after 1992, you had to have your hunting licence validated for the year or your shooting licence validated for the year to be able to acquire any “A-cat” firearm. You could also still buy and own pump shotguns , single shot pistols in 22 lr and a few other “ defensive weapons “.but they had to be on the national register,

    Fast forward to end of 1996 early 1997
    The socialist government, to fight “crime better “, announced that every pump shotguns , single shot 22 pistols and “ other defensive weapons” were going to moved up a level in licence regime. And that the law would be implemented toward the end of 1997.with out too much details about it.
    So every gun enthusiast went and bought pump shotguns and single shot pistols , thinking that they would be grandfathered like in 1992. And of course all those firearms had to be registered.
    Those buyers were quite in shock when on the voting of the law in parliament, it was decided that there would be no grandfathering, and that getting a licence for the pump shotguns would be impossible. And there were no buy back whatsoever in France.
    This has put the whole community of shooters , hunters and firearms enthusiasts onto a back foot and to never trust the government again when they were voting on those type of laws.
    Since then more stringent laws have been voted and more gun confiscation has happened . All in the name of safety, when the reality of it ,is that the real criminals, since the mid 90’s, after the yougoslave conflict , have acquired on a black market real war weapons ( ak 47, rpg, grenades…etc) that were used in numerous Armoured trucks attacks and even attacks on police stations. Criminals dont really care of the gun laws anyway.
    In the case of France, registration lead to easier confiscation. Make up whatever you want of that experience.
    dogmatix, Slug, Dreamer and 9 others like this.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    That sounds like a conspiricy theory

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    helensville nz
    Quote Originally Posted by Bushline View Post
    Without sounding like a dick can someone please school me up on the issue of the registration?
    I’m struggling to see the problem with the registration process if you’re a law abiding citizen? Cheers
    I think most people are most worried about in the short term data leaks which is s big thing i 200% agree

    But there’s some that think in the long term that once the government/police know where everything is they will take everything in a complete ban
    If that’s the plan it will happen regardless so no point worrying about it….

    I just think our laws will end up 100% a carbon copy of Australia which sucks but again it will happen regardless of how much crying and screaming and nashing of teeth or for that matter what government is in charge a lot of people are hoping that a national/act government will change everything back im sorry but that will not happen tough pill to swallow I know they might change a couple of things but not very much at all the thing is fal holders like us a a minority and the general public for the most part don’t like guns
    So why would any government want to lighten gun laws all that would do would be loss of votes

    Hope that post isn’t too political @dannyb feel free do delete if so
    dogmatix, Tahr, mikee and 1 others like this.

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    Rural TeAwamutu
    Quote Originally Posted by Bushline View Post
    Without sounding like a dick can someone please school me up on the issue of the registration?
    I’m struggling to see the problem with the registration process if you’re a law abiding citizen? Cheers
    ....some previous historical precedents maybe......?????

    FYI historical NOT political.....

    Sent from my SM-T225 using Tapatalk

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Some fair points around information being leaked.
    I’m sure if a criminal wants to find guns to pinch there’s easier ways than finding leaked addresses online.
    I’ve had serial numbers recorded during safe inspections in the past and it never bothered me.

  9. #24
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    I bought a 22 and scope a couple of weeks ago. Had a bonus come through so thought I'd get in before the usual spare money shit started happening. Getting in before Rego didn't come into it but is convenient timing.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    North Canterbury
    NZ is a signatory to UN arms control treaties and conventions.

    NZ has a Minister for disarmament - Phil Twyford an excerpt from his June 29 2021 speech:

    "As well as the TPNW, the Arms Trade Treaty provides really important collective security benefits by promoting international cooperation and transparency in order to better prevent the illicit trade in small arms. It also prohibits the export of small arms under certain conditions, where the weapon could be used to further the commission of genocide, or a crime against humanity, for example.

    The ATT has a really important benefit to bring in the Pacific, given the well-understood risks that illicit trade in small arms can bring".

    All of these NZ documents are readily available online.
    The Arms Register is just part of the compliance NZ is signed up to. If we recall how quickly and efficiently the 'buyback' was conducted, this was because a proven UN template was used.
    The best we can do is make ourselves aware of these documents and focus energy towards MP's who make the decisions on how stringent the Register conditions are made.

    Disclaimer: This post is not intended in anyway to be political in nature and should not be viewed as such. The intention is a neutral description and outline of the historical facts leading to a FA Register
    bluebaiter222 and RV1 like this.

  11. #26
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Didn't buy anything as the funds are not available till later in the year maybe.
    scottrods likes this.
    Happy Jack.



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