Definitely available up til the late seventies / early eighties from what I remember
I used to use those ones in the blue box and the ones in the green. The green box ones had silver cases from memory and 500 rds was $9.90. We would take our 303's and 308's goat shooting ($ 5 a box of CAC) and a brick each of 22 ammo. The plan was shoot the hi powers on the Saturday and Sunday was 22 day. We shot a lot of goats back in the early 70's with this ammo. Yep gas was .50 cents a gallon, bring back the old days when things were simple and relaxing.
Leopard strong ale anyone remember that although what it has to do with CAC .22 quite frankly escapes me.
Amazing how these threads drift off topic!
Now when I started driving petrol was 36c a gallon (8c a liter for the young ones) and I almost died when it went to 50c a gallon.
I can remember buying 30-06 armour-piercing for 75c a box of twenty, don’t ask how that was used up but it was FUN!
Just found a couple of random boxes of 22 ammo, one a Cobra brand, put out by Kilwell, anybody remember that brand?
The other box a fair bit older: a full packet of ICI High Velocity Long Rifle Non-Rusting, wording on the packet states ‘recommended for small game shooting at ranges from 75 to 200 yards’ - pretty optimistic eh!
Yes I used a lot of the Cobra back in the Pest Board days. The bullet is the same as the old Winchester in the yellow boxes. Good ammo I still have a "fair" bit of it around. Bushman was another brand we used a bit. From memory they both shot a 37 gr Copperclad bullet at about 1240 fps. Good for all round pest control use.