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Thread: How You Can Help Stop Anti-Gun Legislation

  1. #16
    308 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    @308 Again this is not about voting for who is in power. I agree NZ first sold us out, and I agree I will not be voting for them, but we all need to let them know that this is not OK.

    In order to pas, this legislation needs more than half of MPs to vote for it on your behalf.

    There are 46 Labour seats voting to pass this,
    There are 8 Green seats Voting to pass this,

    There are 55 National seats voting against this bill,

    And 9 NZ first seats ....

    Neither party currently can get this bill passed or stopped without the support of NZ first. Hence we need NZ first to fully understand that this bill is not OK. IF NZ first is smart enough to vote with National against the bill, then it cannot pass into law. This is not about you voting for them, it is about getting them to vote for you.....
    Oh don't get me wrong, I will be lobbying NZ First with the promise of my future vote and telling them that I voted for them last time but really here, amongst friends, they can go fuck a sewer pipe
    dogmatix, Bill999 and outlander like this.

  2. #17
    Member scotty's Avatar
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    i flicked an email off to my local MP (national) , the national leader and deputy and also a handful of nzfirst MPs
    so far 2 computer generated response from nzfirst Mps and a personal response from my local MP.
    my email:
    I am deeply concerned about the proposed new gun register this current (undemocratically) elected government has put forward in parliament.
    Points of concern:
    1 ) the cost to the taxpayer
    2) the high risk/probability of confidential data being hacked
    3) the fact they are ignoring the main contributing factors behind the Christchurch shootings

    A register has been tried in NZ before and failed, the police did not have the manpower or the budget to deal with it at the time . Canada has tried it and after massive budget blowouts put it in the too hard basket and dropped it like the dead weight it was.

    The risk of licenced firearms owners details being accessed unlawfully (by private persons or police personnel) is my greatest concern . this is something that will plague not only this govt but any govt that follows it , we have already had a number of well publicised govt department data breaches this year and police personnel continually get hauled before the courts for accessing data for personal reasons. Essentially the govt will be supplying an online shopping list for tech savvy criminals putting all law abiding citizens at higher risk. I just about choked on my coffee last night when Ms Adern said “the police need to know when the are attending an incident if the are firearms present” (or words to that effect) , the police already know if the address they are visiting is the home of a licenced firearm owner and the still wont know if there are firearms present when the are on the doorstep of someone who doesn’t have a firearms licence.

    Everything the govt has done since the Christchurch shootings has been to make NZ safer so they claim, oddly enough we seem to be reading about more gun crime (by unlicenced offenders) since then the police have been busy removing guns from law abiding firearms owners whose security on the surface seems to be a lot better than police own security given the theft and loss of police issue firearms and guns being held in evidence. We don’t seem to be hearing about the police raiding gangs who have publicly stated they wont give up their guns . the real issues that haven’t been addressed and likely never will as they will be swept under the rug by the commission of inquiry are that (a) the police failed in their duty when they vetted Tarrant , if they had done their job correctly under the current laws then he would never had managed to get a firearms licence. The fact that he was allowed to have referees who had never met him apart from online chat is disgraceful . the police have never put up their hand and said we made (another) mistake instead they sent this govt on a witch hunt punishing law abiding citizens and trotting out countless “scary black guns” for the general public to be horrified by unfortunately guns are just inanimate tools which in safe hand are safe , but any tool can be dangerous when an unsafe person has been given access to it and you cannot legislate against unsafe people. The legislators had the opportunity to restrict hi- capacity magazines years ago but didn’t do it . it was even suggested by firearms groups but police were obsessed with pistol grips on rifles ( how illogical is that ) another failing in the system Tarrant would not only never have had a firearms licence but would never have been able to get his hands on hi-cap magazines.

    The National party has an opportunity here to make point of difference between the labour party and themselves . The ACT party has already done this and is picking up support and is looking good to increase its standing in parliament. National needs to hold this Govt to account for its lack of transparency its bullying and scaremongering tactics and they way it has ridden rough shod over democratic process . national needs to stand up for its support base many of whom are directly affected by these law changes . many voters last election voted strategically for NZ first thinking it would assure a national led govt only to be betrayed by Winston Peters and his party . Many will be voting for ACT as they have been the only party thus far to stand up to this govt ( which is only governing because of Winstons malice toward National party personalities, certainly not a democratically elected govt). So national will have a much more reliable and fitting coalition partner if needed and if National do the right thing and use this opportunity (along with all the other opportunities Labour has handed on a plate thru their incompetence) to defy this labour led govt National can win back some of its supporters .
    Its only 12 months at most till the next election now is not the time to sit on hands. Now is a time to capture the dissatisfaction and turn it into party votes.

    Hauraki Plains citizen/resident

    response from local MP:
    Hi and thanks for your email Scott.

    Good of you to take time to send it to me. Appreciated.

    I think you make very fair points about a gun register. The Labour Government seems determined to push on with their plan to set one up. National Party Leader Simon Bridges has already said he thinks it unlikely National will support this second round of gun law changes.

    I’ll be back in Wellington this week and I’m sure the subject will come up at our weekly caucus meeting on Tuesday and that’s when we’ll make our decision. I’m also sure there will be plenty of media coverage of the proposals the Labour Government want to push through and our National Party response to them.

    Cheers and thanks again.
    nevereadyfreddy likes this.

  3. #18
    Member scotty's Avatar
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    and yes i sent copies of this to NZFirst MPs.....(quietly hoping for a mutiny while winnies on sick leave)

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I'll be putting pressure on local government election candidates with the Labour logo on their pamphlets in the form of a polite email telling them they won't be getting my vote because if how Labour has handled the firearms law changes, regardless of whether or not the law changes have anything to do with local government functions.



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