Well yes n no, I'd never heard of "Stocky" rifle stocks before this year, It's a mass produced item & to get a full ultra lightweight gun for 2.3k I'm not expecting perfection ( probably made in Mexico or the likes ) but mine is fine, I've had very expensive carbon stocks that needed bedding so is what it is. There's quite a price jump to the next super LW, if Kimbers were still being imported they would be well over 4k for their sub 5lb bang sticks or go to well over 6k for a Sako etc which are heavier, I'd love a new Weatherby but living on the bum of the world we are forgotten by some manufactures
My one looks good az for what it is, barrel is full free floating & beds down fine, the best thing & worst thing with the "Howa Superlight" is it's a Howa, What a shit run company, probably has the worst website & info of any rifle manufacturer in the world, everything they do seems to be half arsed, Mine came in a blank brown box ( apparently sometimes they put two into the one box ) hahahaha
Re old mate, In the video, He apparently has bedded 70 -80 rifles so a walk in the park for him, he'll have it shooting one hole pairs in no time hahahaha