How did your brother in law manage to completely fuck a rifle in a few months? Takes some doing ...
How did your brother in law manage to completely fuck a rifle in a few months? Takes some doing ...
He dropped it overboard in saltwater, they got it back after a couple of hours looking with scuba and then just put it in a gun bag and back in his safe for six weeks. It still had the can on (tape over end of can) and there was a lot of salt water left inside.
The scope is the only thing that is of use.
It is a new style browning blr takedown
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For a pure bush rifle I think I would like a short barrelled 338 Federal with an Aimpoint H1
It's probably a good thing I found out via email otherwise words along that vain would have been very likely to be said.
To give the guy credit, he offered to pay for it strait away and is selling his only boy toy to do so.
I took the risk of him doing something stupid when I lent it to him, perhaps I should have lent him something cheeper as I feel a little guilty at the $ he is now spending-not easy for him with with two small kids,a mortgage and a stay at home wife in a teachers income
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