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Thread: Importing firearms

  1. #16
    Member canross's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xiaohan View Post
    If the firearm you are looking for available in Canada, maybe it's cheaper in total and less hassle getting from there.

    Shipping could cost a lot especially from North America.
    Haha - came here to post this. Canada's prices vary widely (sometimes the same price as USA, but in Canadian dollars due to manufacturer's contracts), and unless it's a restricted or prohibited firearm in Canada, Canada customs doesn't care at all, and Canada Post will happily ship whatever you put in the box aside from powder and primers. None of those dumb USA regulations and money bleeding fees like in the USA.

    Another trick is to know that firearms manufactured (not just designed, but physically and positively proven to be in existence) prior to 1899 are not firearms according to US law, so don't need to go through the same export regulations... legally they're a chunk of metal in an amusing shape and nothing more.

    No idea how going over the ocean works, but UPS and Fedex charge up to 100% value brokerage fees crossing the Canadian/US border when there's no brokerage to be done, so they're best to avoid. USPS and Canada Post just transit the firearm through after clearing customs. Canada Post requires all firearms (by their definition anything with a receiver that shoots projectiles) must travel ground freight, with signature on delivery, so that simplifies things in that regard.... will probably just take a month or two to get here!
    stevodog and Frodo like this.

  2. #17
    Member Kiwi-Hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Greg View Post
    The firearm needs to be very very cheap or special & not available here to make it worth while to import.

    Before the changes the process wasn't overly difficult, that may have changed now especially for restricted firearms.

    You need to factor in USD $250-400 for an export permit & or a percentage of the value of the item for the exporter, this varies depending on who is used.

    Also around USD $4-500 for freight to get it here, then $40-50 Kiwi to get it delivered to you once it is cleared.

    Don't forget GST & customs fees & if you are commercial a brokers fee as well.

    Obviously if you bring in two or three the fixed costs are spread across them which makes it easier to swallow.

    Finding an economic exporter who is willing to do a one off transaction isn't as easy as it sounds either.

    All of a sudden cheap US firearms aren't so much once they get here
    Sounds like someone's been there done that, Got the tee shirt?
    The Voice of Reason, Come let us Reason together...

  3. #18
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi-Hunter View Post
    Sounds like someone's been there done that, Got the tee shirt?
    Yep quite a few times now, first one in 2010, no T-shirt yet
    Kiwi-Hunter likes this.
    Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc



  4. #19
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    I scrapped the idea.

    Might be worth it if it's a super expensive, one of a kind thing. But otherwise...naaaaaah.

  5. #20
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    Fly to the US for a holiday, buy a rifle, dies, projectiles and brass and bring it all back. You will likely spend no more than buying the lot here, even including the cost of the flight. I know a bloke who took two rifles home with him from US to UK and it was very easy.

  6. #21
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    Same story everywhere, from what I know. You can't purchase firearms on a visitor permit? You've gotta be a resident and hold a firearms licence in that country.

  7. #22
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    It would seem to make more sense to have a holiday in Canada and do what Canross describes.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevodog View Post
    It would seem to make more sense to have a holiday in Canada and do what Canross describes.
    It's not quite as simple as Canross describes.

    To purchase or possess a firearm in Canada, a person needs a PAL. A non resident can get one, but unless you're planning on a long holiday, you won't get one quick enough.

    Every firearm, not just Restricted or Prohibited, needs an export permit. These have been known to take awhile.

    "An export permit is required for any class of firearm being exported to a country other than the United States, even if the export is only temporary – for example, if someone takes a firearm to another country to hunt or to target shoot. When individuals apply for an export permit, they must include an import permit from the country of destination and from any other countries that the firearm will be travelling through en route."


    Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

  9. #24
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    Jafa land
    Quote Originally Posted by small_caliber View Post
    Anybody in the US that lets you take possession of a firearm in the US, unless you are a resident in the same state is breaking the law.

    If you are not a US citizen you are not eligible to purchase or possess a firearm, unless it is one you are taking into the USA with a valid import permit.

    Being in possession of a firearm in the USA and if you are caught with it or caught exporting it without the required permits you would be eligible for a fully funded holiday the same as David Tipple got.

    So check the law before trying to do what Spitfire says is easy to do.
    I thought there was a permit you could get that allows foreign aliens to own firearms.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koshogi View Post
    It's not quite as simple as Canross describes.

    To purchase or possess a firearm in Canada, a person needs a PAL. A non resident can get one, but unless you're planning on a long holiday, you won't get one quick enough.

    Every firearm, not just Restricted or Prohibited, needs an export permit. These have been known to take awhile.

    "An export permit is required for any class of firearm being exported to a country other than the United States, even if the export is only temporary – for example, if someone takes a firearm to another country to hunt or to target shoot. When individuals apply for an export permit, they must include an import permit from the country of destination and from any other countries that the firearm will be travelling through en route."

    Importing and Exporting Firearms (Individuals) - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
    good info, thanks. Looks like you need to do their firearms safety course to get a PAL licience

  11. #26
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stevodog View Post
    good info, thanks. Looks like you need to do their firearms safety course to get a PAL licience
    No worries.

    You can do the full course or just the test if you have experience with firearms and knowledge of Canadian firearm laws.

    Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

  12. #27
    Member canross's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koshogi View Post
    It's not quite as simple as Canross describes.

    To purchase or possess a firearm in Canada, a person needs a PAL. A non resident can get one, but unless you're planning on a long holiday, you won't get one quick enough.

    Every firearm, not just Restricted or Prohibited, needs an export permit. These have been known to take awhile.

    "An export permit is required for any class of firearm being exported to a country other than the United States, even if the export is only temporary – for example, if someone takes a firearm to another country to hunt or to target shoot. When individuals apply for an export permit, they must include an import permit from the country of destination and from any other countries that the firearm will be travelling through en route."

    Importing and Exporting Firearms (Individuals) - Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
    I stand corrected, I've only ever dealt with USA for firearms or antiques so it wasn't an issue. Apologies on the misinformation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Koshogi View Post
    No worries.

    You can do the full course or just the test if you have experience with firearms and knowledge of Canadian firearm laws.

    Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
    I think they stopped allowing challenges in bill C-42 in 2015, but the course is only a day long so not terrible.



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