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  • 1 Post By huntingkiwi
  • 3 Post By Daggers_187

Thread: Importing minor AR15 firearm parts from Brownells any issues and limits?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Importing minor AR15 firearm parts from Brownells any issues and limits?

    Just looking at parts like a lower overhaul kit, way cheaper in the USA as an example. I assume barrels are a no no? Like a Daniel Defence barrel, considerably cheaper.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  2. #2
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
    Join Date
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    The Big H

  3. #3
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Nelson, New Zealand
    Talk to your local AO first and make sure you don't need any permits (you shouldn't but at the moment things seem quite fluid in their interpretations and it varies from AO to AO even though it should not). But should not be an issue.
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Local AO told me anything AR related you best to just get a permit, as it will be stopped and require your AO approval to get past customs even if permit for that part no req, so if A cat part just go get permit from AO, they should issue you one no problem, then no hassles/delays with customs when arrives. If E cat part obviously a permit will be req from wtgn.

    Every AO seems to handle things differently. as mentioned above, talk to your local AO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Pmed you my last imports.

    Upper/lower/barrel etc require export permit to exit USA, plus any order over (equal to?) 100 usd

    If under 100 usd and not one of the restricted items and the manufacturer is registered for export under itar you should be fine, brownells will tell you soon enough if permit required or unable to be exported.

    At this end its a bit of a grey area but ask and if the permit is on offer take it, as they will not accept retrospective permits at NZ customs.

    I can only speak for A-cat items.
    mikee likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Yeah 100USD seems to be a limit, maybe its a CC limit thing rather than Govn?

    My AO has no issues doing me a permit if need be which I think lasts 12months I think, its US customs apparently.

    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  7. #7
    Member Daggers_187's Avatar
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    Yeah 100USD seems to be a limit, maybe its a CC limit thing rather than Govn?
    This is actually a Government imposed limit before state department export paperwork is required.
    mikee, steven and Banana like this.

  8. #8
    Zombie Response Team Trevs's Avatar
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    The $100USD limit when ordering goods from the USA, is that on anything like Brownells sells or anything related to firearms only. I'm looking at getting a Buffer kit, a 30 round Magazine and was hoping I can also add a Voodoo double rifle bag which would put me over the $100 limit but I'm not sure if rifle bags are part of that limit

  9. #9
    Member Banana's Avatar
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    The $100 limit is only on the regulated items (firearm parts) in your order. The entire order can be over $100.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    No problem buying lower parts kit under the $100 limit. I have one on the way now (without grip of course)

    Barrel requires state dept permit, so caught by the new $250 permit controversy

    For a-cat parts that arent a receiver customs will just confirm with the a/o (possibly calling you first) then let them through.
    Last edited by huntingkiwi; 07-04-2015 at 08:21 AM.



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