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Thread: Importing rifle sights

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Te Awamutu

    Importing rifle sights

    Hi all,

    Anyone imported open sights for rifles from overseas?
    My interpretation is that it is treated the same as a scope and does not fall under the definition of a "part in relation to a firearm" in the Arms Act and therefore does not need a permit to import and nor can you get one because of this reason.

    Is this correct?

  2. #2
    Member Kimber 7mm-08's Avatar
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    Nov 2020
    Submit your query to the following email: Permitfirearms@police.govt.nz Explain what you want to import and they will tell you whether it meets the definition or not. They have a pretty good turn around time (at least in my experience anyway).
    Micky Duck likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    new zealand , hastings
    Nope , that would be wrong . I imported a new scope last year and it definetly needed the police paper work permit to get it in . Did another import for two other scopes later and (again ) needed a police import doc . Gotta tell you it really pissed me off (both times ) so i asked what was going on .
    here in a nut shell is what the police told me ...... " if it can be fitted to a firearm , Its a firearm part " so I posed this question ... what if i lost the screw from the front of my stock that holds the sling on . Would i need a permit to get that in . YES!!! So, beware . NZ post wont carry anything that is "firearm related" from overseas , DHL are extremely sensitive as well, and said they wouldn,t either .
    Last thing to know .... if you send your" Firearm part" (scope , screw , anything ) out of the country for a repair , you need an import permit to get it back in and remember NZpost wont touch it nor will DHL .
    Micky Duck and BSA270 like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Te Awamutu
    Quote Originally Posted by LJPRMC View Post
    Nope , that would be wrong . I imported a new scope last year and it definetly needed the police paper work permit to get it in . Did another import for two other scopes later and (again ) needed a police import doc . Gotta tell you it really pissed me off (both times ) so i asked what was going on .
    here in a nut shell is what the police told me ...... " if it can be fitted to a firearm , Its a firearm part " so I posed this question ... what if i lost the screw from the front of my stock that holds the sling on . Would i need a permit to get that in . YES!!! So, beware . NZ post wont carry anything that is "firearm related" from overseas , DHL are extremely sensitive as well, and said they wouldn,t either .
    Last thing to know .... if you send your" Firearm part" (scope , screw , anything ) out of the country for a repair , you need an import permit to get it back in and remember NZpost wont touch it nor will DHL .
    Sounds like the police are making their own interpretation of the law instead of applying the Arms Act:
    part, in relation to any firearm or restricted weapon,—
    (a) means—
    (i) any component that, of itself, is essential to the discharge of any shot, bullet, missile, or other projectile from the firearm or restricted weapon; and
    (ii) any component that is exclusively designed to be, or is intended to be, an integral part of the firearm or restricted weapon (for example, a butt, stock, magazine, or other component that feeds or contributes to feeding ammunition to the firearm or restricted weapon); and
    (b) includes the following components or accessories that can be fitted to, or adapted to fit, a firearm or restricted weapon:
    (i) grips:
    (ii) frames:
    (iii) chassis systems:
    (iv) magazine adapters:
    (v) magazine couplers:
    (vi) magazine loaders:
    (vii) flash suppressors:
    (viii) silencers:
    (ix) folding or telescoping stocks; but
    (c) does not include the following:
    (i) pistol carbine conversion kits:
    (ii) air pistol carbine conversion kits

    I'll make some enquiries with the e-mail above, but I'm happy to query the interpretation of part under the act if they take that approach as it's not correct on reading the Arms Act. Police are welcome to their opinion, I'm interested in the law.
    Given sights or scopes are not essential to the discharge of any shot, bullet, missile or projectile and do not appear in the list of components or accessories I read that as I do not need an import permit likewise you don't need a mail order form to send within New Zealand, unlike parts and those accessories listed.
    Micky Duck and Pete_D like this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    new zealand , hastings
    That would be great . The drama of the process and appoval put me right off. Even overseas companies are saying there carrier ie DHL wont deliver to NZ if its a firearm part .

  6. #6
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    My expeience, but a couple of years old now.

    Although it’s about 4 years ago, the last time I applied for an Import Permit for a scope I received a letter from Kapiti which started off “Your application for an Import Permit for a telescopic sight is declined”. (Heavy stuff, they could have just said not approved.) It then went on to say that permits to import telescopic sights under the Act were no longer required. (Previously I had Import Permits approved for telescopic sights as they said they were required.)

    I wonder if it was Customs that jerked you around? That has happened and I kept my letter from Kapiti for that very reason until such time as I had my last scope in my little hot hands.

    Re NZ Post wont delivery stance (despite them having been prepaid for the service). I have regularly received dies etc from overseas, delivered to my door with the final delivery stage care of a NZ Post Rural Contractor. The last lot was late December from Oz. Mind you all parcels have been declared as either machine tools or measuring tools.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  7. #7
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LJPRMC View Post
    That would be great . The drama of the process and appoval put me right off. Even overseas companies are saying there carrier ie DHL wont deliver to NZ if its a firearm part .
    Yeah it's getting pretty annoying. even aside from companies declining to carry.
    I along with others got caught up in the USPS suspension of service to NZ last year. I had a press on its way. It got returned to sender but at least I got a full refund, shipping included. The cost of using an alternative shipping company was prohibitive.

    I had one experience with FEDEX where once it arrived here they temporarily lost it.

    I now avoid buying anything from the States.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    new zealand , hastings
    The customs link is also a problem . If you speak with them on the subject of importing a "firearm part" , you will certainly only get bad news . They have an extreme interpretation of what the arms act says , so I learnt not to declare to a rifle scope , but rather a "telescope" or digital camera ( Pard scope ) . Had to use the same tactic with DHL , after a direct phone call with them ( NZ end ) where they said absolutely no carriage of anything "firearm related " because of NZ.s arms laws "

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    new zealand , hastings
    yep, thats the way i have had to handle the dicks at NZ post as well . Use a clever description , such as recently i sent a bolt and mag by courier , but never got asked what was in the package , but had my description as a "bolt and small tin container " lest I needed to .
    Here is my secret , try and find a "local" small post shop such as the ones that seem to be in the local dairy or pharmacy where they are busy selling lotto, and ice-creams, because they never ask anything, an you ddont hav to be "inventive " in your descriptions

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    new zealand , hastings
    I have sent the query email to Permitfirearms@police.govt.nz ( today ) , "do I need a permit to import a new scope " . I will report back to here the reply when it comes
    Micky Duck likes this.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Te Awamutu
    Conclusive and very quick answer from the police.
    Name:  CaptureFASights.JPG
Views: 1400
Size:  106.0 KB

    A bit small in picture but body of text:
    "Good morning,

    Scopes and sights are not considered to be a part pursuant to Section 2 of the Arms Act 1983, and as such, there is no requirement to obtain a permit to import for these items.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know."

  12. #12
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Makros View Post
    Conclusive and very quick answer from the police.
    Attachment 189915

    A bit small in picture but body of text:
    "Good morning,

    Scopes and sights are not considered to be a part pursuant to Section 2 of the Arms Act 1983, and as such, there is no requirement to obtain a permit to import for these items.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know."
    Snap! You beat name to it. Let's call it a double confirmation. They've probably got a stored standard reply for responding to the same old question over and over...
    Ha ha they must be wondering about a spate of enquiries re scopes.
    Here's my reply received at 08:33 this morning -

    Good morning,

    A telescopic sight is not considered to be a part pursuant to Section 2 of the Arms Act 1983, and as such, there is no requirement to obtain a permit to import for this item.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.

    Kind regards,

    Firearms Safety Administrator
    Arms Safety and Control
    Micky Duck likes this.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    new zealand , hastings
    Same answer received by me as well

    Good morning,

    A scope is not considered to be a part pursuant to Section 2 of the Arms Act 1983, and as such, there is no requirement to obtain a permit to import for this item.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.

    Kind regards,
    Firearms Safety Administrator
    Arms Safety and Control
    W http://www.police.govt.nz/advice-and...rms-and-safety

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    new zealand , hastings
    Same answer received by me as well

    Good morning,

    A scope is not considered to be a part pursuant to Section 2 of the Arms Act 1983, and as such, there is no requirement to obtain a permit to import for this item.

    If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.

    Kind regards,
    Firearms Safety Administrator
    Arms Safety and Control
    W http://www.police.govt.nz/advice-and...rms-and-safety

  15. #15
    Member zimmer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    So, the conclusions are -
    No Import Permit required to bring a Telescopic Sight into the country.
    Kapiti seem to be be quite timely in their response to enquiries which is a tick.

    If hassles with the arrival of your scope at the border it is probably Customs or Mail Service or your carrier.
    If you've enquired of Kapiti and got the no permit required response, hang on to that communication.

    This thread almost rates a stickie as it has come up in the past and will come up again.



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