They reckon Finnheavy's are too weak in the action, to build anything 'respectable' around them. I had a Finnlight once, in 7mm Rem Mag. It wasn't a real good shooter (around 1 1/2" at 100m) so I got a gunsmith to put a 'match grade' Trueflight barrel on it, guaranteed to shoot "sub 1/2 MOA"! It didn't, and subsequently I ended up whopping the factory barrel back on it and selling it, and the Trueflight barrel is now a cut-away in my loading room, for demonstratory purposes!![]()
"Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten"!
I got one from redhawk
wasn't a Macmillan , just a Bell and Carlson Alaskan
no permit, 50usd post that was over a year ago though
And if somebody is charging you 500nzd to bed your action into the stock you need to find somebody else.
75's are Finn heavies, 85's are not.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Thanks for that. I've just sent them a message now, and I'm currently awaiting their reply!
I have no idea on shipping cost for a stock from the States, however, if it's anything like any other thing that I've purchased from there (US) it won't be cheap! USD$ 50, sounds better that USD$ 100, but, I'll wait and see!
"Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten"!
Just had a look through my old receipt.
Paid $545 for the stock on special and $55US for shipping. Didn't pay any export fees as I mentioned and no GST on this end due to the "value"
so $600 US total. With the exchange rate at the time where $1US was equal to $1.2NZD
So $720 Landed.
With the current exchange rate you at $900 landed.
Ok, thanks mate.
You were just very, very lucky regarding paying (or rather 'not paying') GST this end! The current GST cutoff is, NZD $400 (including freight!) It's purely 'luck of the draw' if items greater than that value get through customs without GST being required of thee... Russian Roulette! NZD $900 + GST is still only $1,035, which still isn't too distasteful, however, it probably won't be on special either, if/when I go to purchase one!
Yeah, as I said I'm awaiting their reply, however, thanks for your help and I'll let you know how I get on if I go down this road!
"Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten"!
Thats true but whos to say how much a very very lightly "used" Mcmillan is worth.![]()
Just heard back from Redhawk Rifles. They said, quote: "We are not shipping to New Zealand at this time. Thanks for checking with us." unquote! They never said anything else, like, they'll resume again in two or three months time, or gave a reason why they're no longer shipping to NZ or anything, all I got from them was what you see in quotation marks!
So, like I say, you were very, VERY lucky on "ALL" counts, when you purchased your stock, and believe you 'me', this isn't the first time I've had this happen on this very forum! I also collect ammo and forum member CT told me, he got the very rounds I wanted from an outfit called 'Ammo One'! When I go to quiz Ammo One about sending me the cartridges I desired, I was met with the same response, 'Sorry, we no longer ship to New Zealand'!
There's one other place I've got left to try, however, it doesn't quite sound as glamorous as this one did.
So there you have it!
"Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten"!
Couldn't help myself and asked Redhawk Rifles why they no longer ship, their response was:
"With increased security across the globe, US customs has been intermittently seizing products being shipped out of the US that have anything to do with firearms. They have classified the products as items of war. We lost $10,000 in products and refunds last year.
We know several other companies like ours that have ceased shipping anything out of the US.
We have not been able to get clarification on the rules or an explanation of seizure for 10 months."
Now, for what it's worth, I've spoken to Reloading International, and they're more than happy to help! So, here goes... Sounds like you all wanna get stuff from the US whilst you can, before they stop us all together!![]()
"Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten"!
Just came across this looking for how people are getting on importing stuff, I have imported lots of small parts, triggers, springs bits and pieces over the years from midway and brownells with absolutely no problems but now they are both saying they won't sell/ship out of the US. I guess this is a new problem for us as our importers will have a new monopoly on the products we buy. So much for all the free trade.
I paid $960.00 for my brand new McMillan stock through Dean Maisey, and that was at his old price (it is a McWoody, a black and brown mcswirly, designed to mimic Walnut). Dean had been advertising it on Trademe for close to a year with no takers, till I took it off his hands.
Dean Maisey advised me that any new McMillan stocks he brings in will be an extra $250.00 above the price I paid. Don't know what Deadeye Dicks would charge, but can't see them being any cheaper.
One solution is to find someone who comes down to NZ from the US on a regular basis.
Speaking of bedding, I gave my rifle to Wills Hunting & Fishing in Kumeu to send to their Gunsmith down to Rotorua for both bedding and fitting into my McMillan Stock. He charged me $200.00 to do both jobs, and the price also included freight both ways.
So yes, $500.00 for a bedding job is a rip off!
Last edited by 6.5mm-mag; 13-04-2016 at 10:26 PM.
Even $200 to bed a rifle is expensive. It is bloody easy to do, especially a Remington. Buy the compound and do it yourself.
The $200.00 also covered machining out the McMillan stock. There was no way I was going to try and do this with a Dremel on a $960.00 stock.
Otherwise yes I would have done bedding.
Probably the exception to the rule, every 75 I had was a tack driver and I built a Mcmillan stocked 7RUM out of a 75 action that i.e. Always under 1/2moa usually much less, the barrel tenons are a it smaller than a Rem 700 but I have never had any problems.