I bought this Marlin about 4-years ago second hand for $699 from H&F. It came with a 3-9 Redfield Revolution. I've never been able to get it to shoot decent groups. so much so that I'm nearly ready to get rid of it..... I'm no long-range marksman; but my shooting isn't that shit! Even my old 303 groups better! Yet many say how good and accurate this model is; trust me to get the lemon....
It groups 3-5 shots into about 6" at 100yds. I've taken all the scope mounts off Loctited them all down. I have even replaced the scope with a 2-7 Nikon Prostaff and still the same problem. I also tried different ammo. The best group I've ever got was about 4". And as the barrel warmed up the groups walked to the right. I'm only really interested in 3-shot groups as it's a hunting rifle; so expected the groups to walk in a warm barrel. But when testing 3-shot groups I always let the barrel cool down between groups....
I was talking to an ex-army armourer and he recommended putting a small piece of inner tube rubber under the for-end and see if that helped and that may show it is a bedding problem. That's when the group dropped down to 4".
Reading online it seems that the stock touching the barrel is a pretty common cause of inaccuracy in this make of Marlins. Most seem to have solved it by sanding out the channel until it's free floating. I tried the old "paper down the side of the barrel" test. On the right hand side (rifle facing away) it slides down easily until where it stops in the photo. But doesn't go all the way around. On the other side it is much tighter and again stops where it does in the pic.
I don't think it's worth spending money on a new stock; may as well put it into another rifle....
Question...... Do I get the sandpaper and dowel out and give it a go. Or am I likely to balls it up? A friend has offered me a custom 6.5x55Swede; Timney trigger etc, Leupold 2-7 VX1, guaranteed .5MOA for under 1k.....
Now do I risk ballsing the Marlin up; or do I flick it off cheap and be totally honest about it's fault and put that dosh into the Swede..... I'm no super handyman and realise someone else may be able to fix it with a few hours work. Also; there's not much point spending a couple of hundred dollars on it at a gunsmith; I may as well put that into something else. Also; I don't even think there is a gunsmith in the 'Naki anymore? The way the Marlin shoots i mas well use the old three-oh!