One interesting comment had at a gunshop last week when I was buying my new E safe - there's going to be a run on them and will probably be a bit scarce come the end of the year. Seeing that A cat safes have a larger market share at the moment due to the low numbers of E cat FAL holders.
Or more likely someone will import a swag of them and the price will come down.
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
so on the basis of this going to how it was before the court cast changed everything, is there any good quality thumbhole stocks for an AR15 platform readily available in NZ similar to the norinco MAK90 stocks?
It really comes down to what the police will accept as not being a pistol grip at the end of the day.
NZPA is not pushing for that ???
Question is tho why would it bother you if they did make them a range use wepon??? do you require a 30 shot clip to hunt a deer or a bunny ???
Now i know your going to say shooting goats.
but its gunna look a bit funny when the owners of all these 8000 new (A cat) semis all have major goat problems...mite back fire and they will drop more 1080 HAHA.
at the end of the day there heavy pigs to carry thru the bush and they get caught up all the fuckn time.. the alloy makes a shit noise when you bang it ..
Well I have a few endorsements so won't really matter to me one little jot but I do have an issue with your comment re 30 shot mags. I am fit and proper so why should I not be able to put a mag of any capacity in my chosen firearm
You might choose to use a single shot super duper hooting tooter magnum with a 900 x scope for your hunting I might choose t use a open sighted SLR.
Which is more dangerous???
Personally I would say they are the same and only dangerous if the person with them is not Fit and Proper, Other than that they both go bang and can cause damage when used incorrectly.
FWIW My 7 round mags get the most use in my Ar's including the E's for the reasons you suggest.
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
It's like needing a special licence for red cars cause everyone knows red cars go faster. Same logic with black guns![]()
Why would it bother me? Because they represent 80% of what I own. I'm not just a competition shooter, I'm a hunter and a recreational shooter, I like to shoot my guns wherever I please. My M4 is the single most used centerfire I've ever owned. And I use it for everything. My Friends carbine is basically his 3rd arm, he takes it everywhere he can, and shoots a lot of critters with it. It only makes sense to use the rifle you have the most trigger time with as your do everything rig.
What is this about weight? If the weight bothers you you're carrying it wrong.
Mine don't get hung up in the bush cuz I carry them properly and they don't poke out like a friggin barge pole like all the bolt guns I've hunted with.
Plastic, steel and wood also make a shit noise when you bang them against things.
Horses for courses. Bush I grab the M4 or the AK. Open country I grab the .243.
My E cat AR cost me a few thousand $$ and i dont have another 223, so i dont want to have to spend more money and buy another rifle because my Ecat becomes range use only, when my AR does the job perfectly. As for using 30round mags hunting, i dont have any others, only have 30 round mags. why do i need smaller?!
If i am a fit and proper person to have any firearm, regardless of how many rounds it has in the mag or what style of grip, what does it matter? i dont all of a sudden become reckless because my rifle is black has 30rounds in it and has a pistol grip.