Howdy man, i literally just did the opposite to You.
i currently use a kimber montana in 7mm08 as my mtn rifle............. out to say 400m max, prefer under 350m on Sambar game...
i used a 270 in NZ (an my younger days) and loved how Flat it was, hits hard enough for 400m with an Accubond etc.....
I did however just purchase a Rem 700 26 inch 7mm rem mag an a dial scope, for particularly over 300meters and touching 500m on a 'perfect' day down the track......... lots of paper punching before then i will admit.
if i were sensible fella, i would of bought a kimber montana 270 winchester............ they are literally a magnum without the label... not the wsm just the win.
i couldnt justify a 270 with the 708 and a 30-06, but truth is i shouldnt of justified a 7rem mag with a 30-06 which i shoulda altered to shoot longer an put a new scope on it .. but that would not have been as frusterating or enjoyable at the same time now
I always remind myself when overthinking calibers and scope / rifle setups just how many hundreds of thousands NZ game animals were shot with a humble old open sighted .303.....that photo of the Thar is a cracker....hope you let us know what rifle you end up with and post some more photos !
But on light deer those slow heavys just punch a hole and the deer run. Shot three Reh (roe) with a 3006 and they all ran on good chest hits with 180's. Had it been 110grs and they would have dropped.
Number crunching calibre challenges are all good and well, but velocity or big bullet diameter wins for quick kills. I dont like or agree with this 0 - 500 stuff. 500 is a long way on reds and should be the realm of 300 wsm 7mm Mag type cartridges. 300 is a long way most times. shooting animals with low powered calibres at 500 is asking for lost meat and disappointment as an instant kill is unlikely.
I always ended up lending my 7RM to my hunting buddy and using my 243
tahr are pretty tough but 243 works fine
Gimp was doing some way out there stuff with a 243 when I first joined the forum with the NZ made targex projectiles from Bryn
even with all that id still rather a 260 or 6.5CM for this type of use
YeH . My 30-06 spits out 155grainers at over 2950fps and 1/2 moa accuracy way over 500 yards, if Iwant to use "little" bullets; but the SGK 180's are very good as the range gets out there. Why the heck would anyone use one on little roe deer beats me.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Fair enough.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
if you had smacked that 180 through shoulder bones on the roe.........minimal damage as stuff all expansion but wouldve anchored agree much better options out there projectile wise...we have shot wallabies with 180s before without issues LOL.