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Thread: IR Torch recommendation

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    South of Wellington
    As soon as I started reading your top post I thought he`s got light reflecting off something out front. I use under my suppressor and also attached to the side of my helmet the Chinese made IR Torch. They are now sold on T/M for about $63 I used to supply them with NV goggles when I sold them. Get the 850NM model and place a bit of IR filter over the front lens to lessen the visible light being seen from out front looking at the torch. The 950nm torch is for gen3 and the gen2+ units struggle to see it, the Gen3 prefers the 850nm as well and gives around 350mts of view. As My gear is all Gen3 I can`t say how it would preform on the Prad equipment.
    Last edited by Tasbay; 07-03-2021 at 10:21 AM.

  2. #17
    Member zeropak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Ok so I have tried the 007 at night without the suppressor fitted. It is hard to tell the difference with it on or off so I am at a bit of a loss now as to why this is happening. When trying this at home it is impossible to get a totally dark view, there is some slight amount of light from houses and streetlights. The performance in this situation is superior to what I experienced out in the bush. The performance with the the built in IR zoomed is noticeable better than when it is set to a wide beam, maybe the wide beam is picking up some flare from the suppressor or the stainless barrel.
    Kiwihunter reckons the 007 will not work on a scope with no parallax adjustment, but that does not explain why I can get acceptable performance in color mode and also why it will not give an acceptable image in night mode at the range which the scope parallax is set for which is around the 90/100m mark.
    ZeroPak Vacuum Sealers, Zero air Zero waste

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Get in touch with Fraser from pardnz, he will help you out

  4. #19
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Infra red light is of a longer wavelength than the visible spectrum, through a lens it focuses at a different point hence the blurry image under ir with the torch when it was clear during the day. If the scopes daylight parallax is 100 the ir parallax will be less possibly 60 or 70. It works but you have to accept the poor image quality if you don't have parallax ajustment.
    The unit is very sensitive and it's possible that a minute amount of back scatter from the stainless barrel may be occurring when the torch is in floodlight mode. Also if the scope has a big arse objective bell there could be reflection from that.
    Run the unit off the scope and if there's no glare it's a mounting issue.

  5. #20
    Member zeropak's Avatar
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    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat ninja View Post
    Get in touch with Fraser from pardnz, he will help you out
    Yep have done that. Faser is being very helpful.
    ZeroPak Vacuum Sealers, Zero air Zero waste

  6. #21
    Member zeropak's Avatar
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    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Marty Henry View Post
    Infra red light is of a longer wavelength than the visible spectrum, through a lens it focuses at a different point hence the blurry image under ir with the torch when it was clear during the day. If the scopes daylight parallax is 100 the ir parallax will be less possibly 60 or 70. It works but you have to accept the poor image quality if you don't have parallax ajustment.
    The unit is very sensitive and it's possible that a minute amount of back scatter from the stainless barrel may be occurring when the torch is in floodlight mode. Also if the scope has a big arse objective bell there could be reflection from that.
    Run the unit off the scope and if there's no glare it's a mounting issue.
    Thanks for that. Pretty interesting info. I dont want to keep blowing dough in a search for a solution but I am seriously considering a change to a scope with external parallax/focus adjustment at this point
    Kiwi-Hunter likes this.
    ZeroPak Vacuum Sealers, Zero air Zero waste



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