It's part of the bull shit culture. Anyway, most so called "bush pigs" never go bush hunting their entire lives. It's a fad more than a necessity.
No one called a Model 7 with a 18/20" barrel a bush pig when they were introduced. We just said that they were handy light little rifles that didnt get hung up and bash trees so much. Most people ignored them all together and continued to get good tallies hunting in the trees with their 27" barrelled 303's. God knows how they did it.
The latest trend is to say or write "public land" as much and often as you can. Apparently that makes you a better hunter, and those who don't, less so.
It seems that hunting public land with a bush pig (or a "long range rig") can be a climactic event - especially if you shoot a deer from a "blind" and then do a "recovery" and butcher the animal using various gadgets from a "kill kit". FFS.
Im going to die as a bitter old man and be happy doing it.