The reflective tape I ordered hasn't arrived yet, but the glow in the dark powder and ready-mixed paint arrived this morning. I bought it directly from glowinthedark Dot co Dot NZ instead of through their TradeMe listing. I am mightily impressed with the paint. I don't know how long it will adhere to the plastic magazines and metal torches. I haven't tried the nailpolish and powder mix yet, but I think it should stick well. The ready-mixed paint has a relatively short shelf life, but the powder should be usable for a long time. The clear nail polish only cost $2.50 from the variety store.
I don't want to put too much glowing paint on to my hunting gear as it may catch the attention of the things I'm trying to stalk. I was surprised with how brightly it glows. The reflective tape will be more appropriate for some of my gear.
Below are two photos of the same objects. That is a Ruger .22 magazine at the left, and the wooden object is a home-made friction folding knife.
Thanks, guys, for your suggestions regarding the tape and the glow powder.