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Thread: JARD .17 WSM Reliability Issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2023
    Palmerston North

    JARD .17 WSM Reliability Issues

    G'day fellas.

    I've had a Jard J72 in .17 wsm for around 9 months and it's given me nothing but problems. Its had around 4-500 rounds through it to date so not really wearing in any more.
    I've snapped 3 firing pins so far. All while firing, not dry firing it.

    And it fails to fire roughly 4 out of every 10 rounds. Primer strikes on the unfired rounds look perfectly fine to me and plenty deep.
    No different from the ones that do go bang. No difference between Winchester and Hornady ammo.

    The only thing that makes sense is that the hammer doesn't have enough oomph to reliably fire the ammo.

    Has anyone got one of these and had similar issues? Its a Jard Gen. 2 Upper and Lower not a Kriss Lower.
    Or has anyone had similar issues with the .17 wsm ammo in other rifles?

    If anyone would like to buy it cheap and have there own go at making it work shoot me a message because I'm getting sick or it.

    Any ideas or suggestions welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Well not a jard, but did hear that one of the 17wsm problems is a very tough rim.
    No good in a bsa action apparently.
    By the time you get a hard enough spring to fire them the trigger needs a chain block to set it off.
    Maybe it does need a heavier hammer spring

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Have you had any help from Gunsnz seeing as they are the importers?

  4. #4
    AR7 is offline
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    Jul 2022
    Sorry to hear about your problems . Had a mate with gen i and it failed to fire many times just when he had a good target to shoot .
    He took it back to the shop , i was hoping that gen 2 was better
    Thats why i stayed with the bolt action

  5. #5
    Rabbit Herder StrikerNZ's Avatar
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    Sounds like about time to insist on a refund. Clearly some form of fault in the rifle, not really reasonable to expect you to put up with the misfires and replacing firing pins every 3 months.
    Bill999, dannyb and Vandy like this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by StrikerNZ View Post
    Sounds like about time to insist on a refund. Clearly some form of fault in the rifle, not really reasonable to expect you to put up with the misfires and replacing firing pins every 3 months.
    That's what I'm starting to lean towards to be honest.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Had three bolt actions never had a failure to fire from any of them. Mix of the ammo that’s available here too.
    Vandy likes this.

  8. #8
    Member rockland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StrikerNZ View Post
    Sounds like about time to insist on a refund. Clearly some form of fault in the rifle, not really reasonable to expect you to put up with the misfires and replacing firing pins every 3 months.
    Rifle is less than a year old, unreliable and is clearly a defective product. I would return it to the retailer and insist on a refund.

    The Consumer Guarantees Act is in your favour.

  9. #9
    Member dogmatix's Avatar
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    Vandy likes this.
    Welcome to Sako club.



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