That's why I stick to one shot groups😊
That's why I stick to one shot groups😊
Im pretty much asking what a reasonable group out of a 22lr is as I have no idea really, seems they are reasonable. I got the rifle for my 13th birthday which was over 20 years ago and only got my license recently so havent shoot for years and when I was a kid I never got to go through 200rnds for fun (I probably doubled the number thats gone through it!!). I was probably a little bit worried that it was a bad one as Dads 10/22 seems to shoot a bit better...
So I have found out that it likes the CCI subs and the Whinchester HV (which looks like it may group better in this one) and in the process of going through a few packets of ammo my trigger work got better (if thats a thing) and the groups did tighten up to what is here.
I did also try the Guncity $75 one quickly and it produced similar groups but the magazine didnt want to feed and the 5rnd one was too hard to get out of the stock I made.
That is like asking, what is a reasonable 0 to 100 time for a 2 door car.
There is no universal "reasonable group", what is reasonable depends on what class of rifle you are talking about. Your group is certainly reasonable for a JW15, while it may not be reasonable for a Anschutz 1722.
Chilli - a fair sporting 22 in the hands of a range experienced shooter should shoot consistent sub 1" groups at 50 meters off the bench. A good sporter 22 will average close to 0.5" for groups and drop under the half inch at best (this includes most JWs). Several other makes will achieve this. Best sporter 22 I've tested (Em332) averaged 0.6" over 4 consecutive groups at 100m. Note these figures are for inexpensive standard barrel sporters. Great advantage to choosing a 22 sharpshooter is of course precision bunny shooting out to 100m+ - real treat using an accurate 22 in the field.
You often need to experiment with 10-15 types of sporter ammo to find exactly what shoots/cycles best in your 22, though JW15s often like winchester products and Fiocchi high velocity. Powerpoint HV has been so variable lately I don't buy it any more. Try the Fiocchi HV (blue packet). 5 shot groups are fine - I always do four consecutive 5 shot groups. Pulling shots fairly common as shooters learn to master bench shooting, positional pressures etc. As a new shooter you are doing fine and groups will improve with practice. Sometime go grab a club champ when at range and he will help you one hell of a lot in half an hour.
With ammo cycling remember to CRC your mag after say every second use - keep it lubed. And if you are interested here are some notes on JW setup and development:
JW15 modifications and setup ideas
You are doing fine - keep it up![]()
Last edited by mudgripz; 05-01-2017 at 12:38 AM.
Try getting a CZ ten round mag, I think it's a 452. I got two for my JW and haven't had any feed problems.
Thanks, I might have to look at joining a club for range use, this was in the paddock beside Dads place near Cave (only a 5 min drive to find wallabies though...). I have actually done almost all the mods in that post, I havent mucked around with the trigger too much (just cleaned it up with a stone) I also might try shimming the ejector plate up a bit. I think I will start on a new stock for it as well and Ill do another trigger like this one.
Heaps of wildlife around after dark up there.Last night was the most bunnies/hares I've seen in a long time on that road.Normally at this time of year onwards, all the critters are munching on the green strip on the edge of the road. Because theres been so much moisture the paddocks have just started to burn off, so they're just starting to appear.Keep practicising on paper during the day, and go nuts at night
Mine is an over barrel suppressed job and it always groups very well except for once recently. It grouped about 3" so I gave it a clean and was back to tight groups again. I have always used Winchester 40 or 42gr subs. I have recently had a few 40gr subs sonic boom and a fair amount of bullet cases have a glue or similar substance on them which makes them hard to remove
Sent from my workbench
If i could have a full time job shooting pests i'm up for over time.
Its funny, Dads over the hill towards Timaru and there has never been many rabbits or hares there, could go out with the spotlight and see 2 or 3 if I was lucky, whereas a 20 min walk up the hill on Sunday and saw 5 wallabies and shot three in less than an hour (not with the jw)
Mine doesn't like extracting winchester 40 gn subs
Was only an observation I've made from driving that road sometimes up to 6 times a night for the last 11 years. This time of year the grass is normally brown except for a strip right next to the road that stays green from the rain runoff. Haven't been over the hill for a couple of weeks so can't say.
Maybe I'm more observant now and seeing more than I did a couple of years ago
The secrets to good groups are: use the brand of ammo that YOUR particular rifle likes (I normally try 15-20 different brands); clean the bore after each group is fired; hold the rifle exactly the same way with each shot, and use a rest; squeeze, don't pull, the trigger; and maintain steady breathing. As you have seen from some of the above comments, there is no best ammo for any brand of rifle.