Man cant even make an unbiased observation without hurting feelings, how do you all think you can handle a civil discussion. Outies!
You're welcome to contribute to the topic at hand (Kiwis supporting further firearm controls) instead of casting opinion based observations about who slings the most mud?
Personally, I'd like to see increased security for A category firearms, a practical competency test as part of the firearm licensing process and more rigorous enforcement of laws that are already on the books.
My feelings: Target the fucking crims, spend money on solving crime instead of raping the lawful. There ya go![]()
Don't know who said this - someone much cleverer than me:
"From the garden of enforced peace, so the seeds of war are reaped".
Civil discussion about 'toys' can be 'difficult', when all parties to the discussion are passionate about their type of toy.
And others take the piss mercilessly - something I'm enjoying.
I'm sorry that would infer it will be able to fire something pointy, you can only whittle a small branch with rounded ends and you then need to get it coated in foam.
I have conducted a survey with myself and have 100% agreement with myself that this is the preferred option (okay there were two decenting voices but I ignored them to make a round number like my gut.)
The Biggest Room is the Room for Improvement
Does anyone want to give me an AR so that I can be the lone AR owner in NZ who wants tougher firearm laws ? Pretty please
Tougher penalties for crims using firearms.
Tougher penalties for poachers / illegal hunters.
Improved security requirements for storage - ffs put the thing in a safe !
Training tailored to the end use - target identification for hunters...
Consistency in terms of interpretation of the "law" by AOs in different districts.
An end to the MSSA debacle. Only way I can see this ever working is to make all semis a special category. So go gotta join a club to own one ? What is the big deal ?
Start flaming boys![]()
Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute
ebf, thats tougher at the right end, the rest I can live with!![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Seems reasonable, however I dont agree with the last bit. I think the MSSA definition should get binned (completely not just the name) and anything that holds less than 11 rounds is A cat, anything over 11 rounds or shorter than 30inchs (or whatever it is) is E cat then large capacity magazines can be controlled.
I made a comment on an SSNZ upload to a FB page about tougher prison terms for firearms offences, the reply was that would lead to gun fights between Cops and Robbers, is that a bad thing?