That thing seems to makeup for extremely poor technique though, if they are in fact the hits filmed.
Does it actually pull the trigger too? In the vids the crosshairs were flailing around like a preschooler making pee pee.
You laser designate the target, then pull the trigger then when the crosshair lines up with the laser designator it automatically fires
It calculates drop etc but can't do windage any better than a person can
It's a 40lb, $20,000 retarded answer to a question no-one asked and will never have any future because it's ridiculous to try fix a "problem" (poor marksmanship) that is easily fixed with training with a heinously expensive delicate massive piece of gadgetry, it also has various software problems like you can't change the designation to correct for misses etc, not only that but it's been posted here about a million times since SHOT show
Furthermore, their promo material sucks
Pro-tip: If you're trying to hock a $20,000US piece of shit marksmanship crutch, perhaps try not to have the first shot in your promo video being a gutshot at less than 700 yards with a .338LM!!
Lol the Zebra is also already wounded when they shoot it, there's a bleeding hole a bit behind the shoulder, almost far back enough to call a gutshot, before the bullet impacts in the video