@gundoc awesome. I picked up the home guard thing but the others had me scratching. With the short cone is it still possible to load the bigger bullets like 215grs if desired or will the be pushed back into the case?
Also with those express sights, if set up properly, what would they be regulated for? 174gr or a case of suck it and see? didn't want to do too much adjusting/filing if I can help it. To be honest as long as it is close at 100 and 200 I'll be happy. Heavier barrel has 20ish thou more taper (fatter) then the donor barrel where the sight would go but I don't necessarily see that as a drama.
Just a bit of judicious hand fitting required. If its too high it will get a taller front sight to compensate.
@Scout you are right. it is marked ER bsa co 1903 LE 1 with a star, it would probably be quite a nice little action being a bit less military than the other one for a LS copy. plus it needs just about everything else (mag, bolt, wood) as I reckon the barrel is pretty naff. The front sight is a mangled mess. It also has the barrel band for the extra fore end screw but no screw or spring. If I did do it I'd get a bolt with a dust cover just for shitz and giggles.
I will say the front sight on the project rifle is pretty high but I would like a ramped front sight off a sporter fitted just to make it a little less military. Have to keep my eye out. the 270 project has one but someone has tried cutting the end of the old 7x57 back a little in an attempt to recrown in and taken a bit off the front of it so that's a bust.
On the express sight, what is the little screw on the top right of the flip up ladder for?
went to take it off and found that the hold down screw is a bit buggered and it is soldered on.