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Thread: lee speed copy

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    I can say I will be on the lookout for a nice more sportier type foresight if anybody has one from a shortened rifle maybe? Mind you it may depend on where the rear sights go and how much blade it needs etc

  2. #17
    Bah, humbug ! Frogfeatures's Avatar
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    Auckland, until I can escape south....to Southland.
    Quote Originally Posted by csmiffy View Post
    @Frogfeatures Yup. The rifle itself is only missing the magazine.
    Although I will admit the butt has been ahem...customized with some engraving/carving on the side. It certainly wont worry me if I ever get around to a tang safety and I have to inlet it.
    How much do you want for it?
    Postage and it’s yours
    Cordite likes this.
    He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.

    You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
    Sounds like a typical hunting trip !

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    @Frogfeatures you're on.
    Pmd you.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    here are some happy snaps of the project-mainly barrel/action markings for id.
    Some are really obvious, it was sold out of service, its an old 1896 LE no1, heavy barrel George Rex on a Victoria Regina action. But some of them don't come up. like the 7/HG.33.
    Plus the guy I bought it off got it solely for the rear sight which is why it was missing. Thought the old other barrel I have, had that style so at least I could try the old girl out before I get the express sights fitted-no show.
    Although I may just have a cunning plan for that to at least try it. May still need one but didn't really want to spend it on a sight when that could go to the fitting of the express one just in case the barrel is crap.
    Bit of a bugger as I was going to have a crack with it maybe tomorrow. Barrel isn't mint but still looks pretty serviceable for an oldy.
    I replaced the trigger guard/mag housing with one I had, the other one had the shit beaten out of it.
    first bunch of shots had some blurry ones in there-though id deleted them and had another go but they are still there.
    PITA sorry for the double ups

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    Last edited by csmiffy; 19-03-2020 at 05:09 PM.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    SMIFFY -no mistakin those digits -toes like a dredge pond bullfrog. once ya gets beasty up and runnin 2x pkts CAC.303 150gn sittin here for ya!
    Cordite and csmiffy like this.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    @Tertle is meant to be the resident expert on these things yeah? @kotuku have to try the mag that came with the one you lent me. It's for a different model so it might fit this thing to at least have a play

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    anyone have a shufti on the markings?

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Central Otago
    It is an 1896 Enfield MLE Mk I that has been rebarrelled with a Lithgow barrel for the Mk VII cartridge, sometime prior to WW2 (1933?). The HV behind the rear sight bed shows that the sight ramp is for the Mk VII (high velocity) cartridge as opposed to the earlier 215 grain Mk VI load that the MLE was made for. The SC below it is for 'small cone' which is the leed at the front of the chamber cut specially for the pointed Mk VII. The marks with the stars around them are Lithgow inspectors marks during the production process. The Home Guard stamp is obvious. The arrows facing each other with SS means 'sold out of service' which was the official mark to show the rifle was not stolen.
    northdude and csmiffy like this.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Great project, I have been putting together Lee Speed (BSA Sporters) parts for over 15yrs & if I had found that sight I would of snapped it up, it is off the later lighter barreled, plain stocked BSA Sporters & you can see it is extra high to match the standard front sight .

    I have Carlsen Highway's Speeder & in that pic you will note its express rear sight has gone with the barrel some time back .

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    @gundoc awesome. I picked up the home guard thing but the others had me scratching. With the short cone is it still possible to load the bigger bullets like 215grs if desired or will the be pushed back into the case?
    Also with those express sights, if set up properly, what would they be regulated for? 174gr or a case of suck it and see? didn't want to do too much adjusting/filing if I can help it. To be honest as long as it is close at 100 and 200 I'll be happy. Heavier barrel has 20ish thou more taper (fatter) then the donor barrel where the sight would go but I don't necessarily see that as a drama.
    Just a bit of judicious hand fitting required. If its too high it will get a taller front sight to compensate.
    @Scout you are right. it is marked ER bsa co 1903 LE 1 with a star, it would probably be quite a nice little action being a bit less military than the other one for a LS copy. plus it needs just about everything else (mag, bolt, wood) as I reckon the barrel is pretty naff. The front sight is a mangled mess. It also has the barrel band for the extra fore end screw but no screw or spring. If I did do it I'd get a bolt with a dust cover just for shitz and giggles.
    I will say the front sight on the project rifle is pretty high but I would like a ramped front sight off a sporter fitted just to make it a little less military. Have to keep my eye out. the 270 project has one but someone has tried cutting the end of the old 7x57 back a little in an attempt to recrown in and taken a bit off the front of it so that's a bust.
    On the express sight, what is the little screw on the top right of the flip up ladder for?
    went to take it off and found that the hold down screw is a bit buggered and it is soldered on.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    The little screw is stop the the lobbing/tangent slider sight from coming off the ladder, there is normally 3 screws, the little one, the screw in the tension spring & one into the barrel but that type is soldiered on also !

    What level are you thinking of finishing this rifle to ?

    If you aren't trying to do a full Lee Speed type, I have a matching fore sight & express rear of more modern manufacture ?

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    its never going to be a show stopper. Just a useable handy old 303 sporter done a little differently then most but in the style one was done back in the day as a sporter not just a military cut down.
    it was just luck I found the old BSA express sight so it saved me buying a repro and would make it look like it hadn't been farted around with recently.
    Yup that makes sense about the screw and it has all of them even if the main one is a bit poked
    Interested to see what you have though-you never know
    PM me some pics please?

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Ok will do, you really need the heavier barrel to, either the MLE/Long Tom or Lithgow H profile !

    Here is a nice one by a Aussie gunsmith .

    Last edited by Scout; 22-03-2020 at 06:31 PM.
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  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    If that barrel shoots like crap I might have to look at another one. I do have one that might be better but just have to see how it all goes.
    Its not a heavy barrel though. I will say the barrel on it now is bigger than the one the express sight is fitted to

  15. #30
    Member norsk's Avatar
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    Jun 2016
    I have a Nice old Barrel you can have if you do some reloading for my 416 Rem mag when I am home.
    Micky Duck likes this.
    "Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"



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