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Thread: Lever Action 22 - Norinco JW21 or Henry 22

  1. #16
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    I love my 9422M with Skinner sights.

    A few from today:

  2. #17
    Member RimfireNZ's Avatar
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    Wow that's some nice terrain Gimp.

  3. #18
    Member RimfireNZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bas View Post
    A friend got a JW21 last year and did a quick side by side comparison to my Win 9422 on the NZ Rimfire forums. If you're after a plinker, I would take a punt on the Norinco over the Henry to be honest since I've heard that the barrel heats up quickly and the accuracy drops after that. If you're happy to wait and spend a bit more nice second hand rifles turn up on Trademe often enough.
    What do you mean by take a punt on the Norinco? Avoid it or go for it?

  4. #19
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RimfireNZ View Post
    Wow that's some nice terrain Gimp.

    Yeah it's awesome. Beats the heck out of Australia, and I can stroll around with a super-fun levergun shooting hares and eating them

  5. #20
    bas is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by RimfireNZ View Post
    What do you mean by take a punt on the Norinco? Avoid it or go for it?
    I'd give them a go, accepting that they can be a bit of a lottery (eg on my norinco pistol the rear sight fell off).

  6. #21
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Anyone else seen a straight stocked Norinco, or did I imagine it?

    I'd buy one at $350 probably, I want a beater .22lr levergun to cut to legal length for truck gun.

  7. #22
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    Re: Lever Action 22 - Norinco JW21 or Henry 22

    We'll you got a slightly better chance of winning with norinco than lotto that's Forsure

    Sent from my MB525 using Tapatalk 2

  8. #23
    Member RimfireNZ's Avatar
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    I've decided to stop being tight about it and pay for a Henry. I'll have to wait for them to order it in for me probably, but we'll see.

    I went to GC to handle a Norinco again... after holding it the lever couldn't be closed properly and the rear sights were crooked... I decided what's another $200 in the scheme of things. Once I've paid for it the price will only bother me for a week before forget about it.

    Will be ordering it on Monday after some haggling.

  9. #24
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    Re: Lever Action 22 - Norinco JW21 or Henry 22

    Pulled my jw21 apart today to give it a clean and there was metal shavings all through it but never effected its operation.... in fact I had problems after cleaning it as levered it the bolt would get jammed I later realized if u do the receiver bolt up too tight it jams the action up...... so those shavings must have been shimming it so to speak, other than that great rifle

    sent from my Motorola Defy onto screen 5.....Defy my ass...

  10. #25
    Member RimfireNZ's Avatar
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    This is dragging up an old thread, but I'm STILL waiting for my Henry. I missed out in November 2012 (after asking many times in months before about it) as the gun shop sold the last one without telling me. I got them to order another, the shipment has continued to be delayed from the Henry factory (as apparently the factory got damaged) and the whole crazy American gun panic buy didn't help.

    I've been hassling the distributor, calling often and asking where the shipment is, and (even though I've ordered it through the store) one is reserved with my name on it by the distributor. It should be here in the next week or two finally.

    All of this just to avoid buying from Gun City... who had one in stock :s

    I'm more excited about this gun than I have been for any of the others.



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