I bought a Marlin 336 30/30 last year, absolutely love it, it’s the complete opposite aesthetically to my plasticy Tikka which I value for its practicality but have no pride in ownership.
What surprised me is just how well it’s suits the vast majority of my hunting, I scurry around the bush where you’d be lucky to see more than 50-70 meters ahead, I’d assumed I’d have to limit shots to 100m for deer given the ballistics (it doesn’t like the soft plastic pointed bullets) so I’m interested to hear talk of 200m or is that just for goats rather than deer?
I really like how balanced it feels in the hand and for me at least how easy I find to have it in a state of even safer “semi ready” when expecting a shot than a bolt action ( hammer on half cock, lever not fully returned so bolt not in battery as well as having safety on, all very easy to correct as I bring the gun up)
Impressed by its accuracy as well, had hoped for 2” at 100m at best but just a smidge over an inch if the gods are smiling, ammo is half the price of the 6.5CM so happy days!
It’s also a nod to nostalgia as my first centrefire was exactly the same rifle over 33yrs ago
Even managed my first deer in ages with it last year, dropped like a sack of spuds.
Anyway that’s my pointless reply but I like it so much I had to write a little rave!