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Alpine Night Vision NZ

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  • 1 Post By 223nut

Thread: Long action mag in short action

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Long action mag in short action

    I have a T3x. 308, I hand load so am limited to thee OAL of the tikka mag as don't want to single feed. If I was to buy long action mag would that give me a longer OAL that would work? I was at gunworks today and they said I my also need to change the bolt release catch to a long action one to alow the bolt to draw back further but she wasn't 100% sure. Bit of info before I buy the mag and the catch would be nice please.

    Thanks Sam

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Stewart island / canterbury
    Should work, i changed the bolt stop on my 7mm wsm to allow longer rounds. Brought a different brand magazine to solve that probpem after having diameter issues with wsm rounds in the long action mag.

    Bolt stop mod 8s easy just don't pose the spring, was a bit of a pain the first few times to remove bolt but have learnt the knack to it now.
    dannyb likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Far North
    Real easy, get the bolt stop for a long action or file yours if it's an early solid non skeletised one
    Long action mag and you are good to go

  4. #4
    Grant grunzter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    My M24 is a factory long action chambered in 7.62x51.
    works flawlessly.



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