In the flintlock era from 1550s until 1820s
A young man might buy a rifle and have it for the rest of his life
Frequently it would be refreshed, involving cutting the rifling deeper or reaming up and completely re rifling.
The pace of change of ignition was so slow that a rifle would easily last a lifetime
If that firearm was a tool ( as in frontier living ) it would be loaded at all times.
Unloaded and cleaned often or daily and never more than a few quick paces from its owner.
I wonder if now the state of development of the self contained cartridge has reached its zenith.
But I could safely say that there has been very little true evolution to the sporting rifle in my lifetime
Sure there has been a lot done around the edges to keep us wanting more features.
But the basic principals are so well established that we are just tinkering now ( in my opinion)