Anyone use the above scope? It came on my .223 and I was thinking of retaining it and using it on my .22
Just wondering how people found them.
Anyone use the above scope? It came on my .223 and I was thinking of retaining it and using it on my .22
Just wondering how people found them.
Fairly sure I still have one of these in 2.5x, interesting vintage scope that still looks pretty clear.
pretty sure Ive used one before..the Xhairs move in your field of view...on old 303 brit they ended up more than 3/4 of way across to left to get it of the scopes where ability to move mounts is great.
if its clear and you can zero it,should be great on .22lr
75/15/10 black powder matters
They were excellent scopes in their time, and often still are. A good old school scope to hold on to. And I think the Perma Centre is image moving rather than the older reticule moving.
Had a 3x version and it was always a good scope ,held zero well.
Yep, like Mintie, I’ve one in 2.5 x
Came on a 243 I bought, about 30 years ago
On my sons K98 22 these days
Good scopes.
He nui to ngaromanga, he iti to putanga.
You depart with mighty boasts, but you come back having done little.
Sounds like a typical hunting trip !
I have a howa with a sniper reticle but it buggers off like Mickey suggests.
Kowa and bushnell were same scopes back in the day.
Have that distinctive turret
Bloody auto correct. It's a Kowa
I have a couple. 2.5 and 8 power. The Permacentre models, as the name suggests, reticle stays centred when adjusted but earlier ones did not. Mine both stay in the middle. Some have odd adjustment click values. My 8 power, with fine cross hairs lives on one of my .22 RF's.
MY US mate has a number of these in mint condition on some of his period rifles. In their day, they were well regarded scopes.
I had one for a while, it worked fine and had no faults that I can remember, as Grandpa says, the reticle stays centred, it didnt move around.
I would use it on my .22 depending on how close it focuses.