I've used Matt's, it is very very. I love the reticle!
I've used Matt's, it is very very. I love the reticle!
The 3-24x42 is no slouch in the light gathering department, glass is GREAT!
The 52 will obviously be brighter in very low light, but will also be heavier and probably too big for a lightweight mountain rifle.
On 3x magnification, reticule looks very fine and the thick posts taper nicely for what should be a very usable reticule up close.
I'm yet to test it in the bush (next weeks North Island hunting trip should sort this out) and that's not really what I bought this scope for.
Nice and compact!
Hit an 8" rock 5 times at 1000m with this setup in 270WSM with the 150 LRAB's last week...it works!
Looks good mate nice reticle the fml-1? Be interested to hear how you find it up close after next week
Fair enough the one I'm looking at is the same setup but in mil instead of moa
I've got the Milradian one coming - that pic on the Australian site says that the center dot is .1mil which is small enough for me!
I like the idea of a lighter scope 'cause my rifle has a varmint barrel already and a plywood stock. Getting the LOS down closer to the bore also adds accuracy in regards to less cant-error (as we all know). The only thing is that my T3 likes to spit the brass high sometimes and my turret knobs cop a hiding. Might have to make up an angled deflector out of plastic perhaps.
I havent had a problem with my tikka spitting brass at the march sitting on it, hopfully you wont have a problem
Here's some low light pictures that I took at 830pm tonight right on dusk. I'm looking through a plant (couldn't see that on my phone camera) at a house 180m away. I tried ejecting a spent cartridge and it doesn't hit anymore due to the rail fixing on the spuhr mount. VERY happy about that