Did a little thread on my Mauser 22 target rifle a week ago, Here's its ugly flatmate. Ill try and get a pic up when everything wants to play nice. This one is a Baikal/Vostok target rifle. it doesn't appear to have a model stamped on it any where same as the mauser so could be similar era. Its not the ugliest rifle I've seen but she's no beauty queen either, shes big clunky heavy the trigger isnt what youd expect from a target rifle but since I've owned it I've given it a polish so its greatly improved from what it was but far from what id expect from a target rifle. It is a fine shooter once you get a feel for the trigger I did a side by test with the mauser and this one out shot it. Ive put a knock off ziess on it and it shoots fine with it. It has a dovetail machined on the opposite rear part of the receiver to the bolt where I guess the rear target sight would of been mounted which I don't have for this one.