I have a Sako Bavarian in 375h&h
In bigger bores .35+, I have a Rem 721 re-bored from 30-06 to 35 Whelen shooting 250gr Hornady RN's about perfect for anything bigger than deer. I have a couple of big bore deer rifles, big bores but not big power, 35 Rem in a Rem 760, a 375 Win in a Savage 99 and a 9.3x72R in a German drilling, great for deer in the forests where I hunt. Medium bores for big game I only have one left, a 7x57R in another German drilling. I do shoot a smaller bore for deer, a wildcat 25-204, which matches the factory ballistics of the 250-3000 and 257 Roberts. Where I hunt the deer can run a little larger than the average whitetail so I do like a little more rifle than really necessary.
I've always been keen on a big bore and have had a few shots with different versions of 375h&h .
I thought I'd probably get a 375h&h barrel for my R8 at some stage but have recently been watching the 375 ruger on TM.
(unfortunate it's at the other end of the country from me)
Do we have any opinions or experience to share on this rifle/caliber?
It's only for a toy really
Last edited by widerange; 03-05-2019 at 10:30 AM.
I have an H&H for my R8. great toy for the odd shot here and there, but I've never even given it a sniff of a proper hunt as one of the other rifles always feels more suitable. hanging on to the idea of going for a buff hunt in Oz with it one day but can imagine it will keep collecting dust
I have used my Rem 700 35whelen for the last 22yrs,Jap's,reds,fallow and sambar,from a few meters to a few hundred plus,have taken a couple of hundred deer with it,mainly with my favorite reload using 225 sgk's,love it!.
the biggest cal i own is an 8x68s its a lefthand action sauer Weatherby Europa basically an early watherby mk5 they were made in the sauer factory for Weatherby before they opened there own manufacturing plants in th USA in the early 60s
I have taken the original wooden stock off and put an aftermarket synthetic stock with a full length ali bedding block in it and a suppressor with a mussle break in it to help with the recoil because i have a fucked shoulder it knocks me around its very accurate and kills things good with a 196gr projectile and 78gns of reloader22 the cases are very strong and is the biggest non belted case made i been told.
I have several med bores, Ruger M77 in 358 win, getting the most use, a Sako Bavarian in 9.3x62 that just replaced a Husky 1600 in same cal, and a Fair I-side double rifle in 9.3x74,
Last edited by southernman; 07-05-2019 at 03:32 AM.
Yep it's pretty snappy, with full power loads, on the bench, resanable and manageable from field positions.
Just requested a price, on A Fair double rifle, vintage hammer model, in 7x57R.
A fair more sensible choice, for most of what I do, spring is finialy arriving, in Northern Alberta, I've got a bear tag and a few days off to go try fill it.
Need a photo of the hammer gun when you get it please
My Husky medium bore, easy to shoot and reloading won't break the bank, accurate as well.
Saved my life from a Charging wallaby once,.... well ok it was more just sitting there looking the other way, however it didn't get a chance to Charge which is the important thing.
Husqvarna 1600 9.3x62
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Now thats a nice piece of wood on that there rifle.