I did some seating depth testing with a new load at 300 yards today with my Dads old and totally original model 7 243.
87gr Berger Vld Hunting in front of 44gr of H414, in old twice fired Hornady brass. 100 thou off the lands was its prefered OAL giving a 3 shot group of just under 1.25 inches.
Theyre doing 3125 fps with an ES of just 3 fps (only 3 shots) but Dads not going to be shooting much beyond 300 yards or so anyway, but i may stretch the barrel a bit further ;-)
Scope is a cheap older model Vortex Diamondback 4-12. It is more user friendly than the old Leupy 3-9 that use to be on it. The vortex actually dials quite well, and better allows for drop out to 400 yards than guessing holdover with the old leupy.
Dad also finds it much easier to get a good sight picture through and appreciates the extra magnification, his eyes are almost 79 yrs old ;-)
I reckon the old boy will be happy with that, once the weather starts warming up again ill get him out for an easy hunt somewhere and test them out for real.

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