My M7 .223 has quite a tight chamber. Can't tolerate "normal" loads and pops primers. Can still get 3k with the 69grn though (20"). Shoots around .5moa
My M7 .223 has quite a tight chamber. Can't tolerate "normal" loads and pops primers. Can still get 3k with the 69grn though (20"). Shoots around .5moa
These are a couple of the targets I shot after the suppressor was fitted, it was a bit windy but was in a sheltered gully which helped. My rifle is sighted in for the Hornady 55 gr SP/WC bullet and after I adjusted my scope a couple of clicks right I shot the two different Barnes bullets and the Sierra 53 gr Match King HPs. The 53 gr Sierra were shot on another target and we're both in the orange which is 31/2 inches across all shot at 200 yards.
Looks like I posted the same picture twice, bugger.
Try this one
My bog standard model 7 223 (cut to 18") never fails to amaise me.
I havnt fired it for a while, as i had a short youth stock on it for the kids last time they were shooting it.
I recently grabbed a few belmont factory 55gr sp's off my bro in law, i got round to shooting some in the M7 a few days ago.
They went reasonsbly well for low cost mass produced factory loads i reckon.
Not quite as good as my handloads but not bad, i think this gun would should almost anything well.
Go the Model 7!
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The M7 is probably the best 'mini action' although it will accommodate 2.8"+ COALS.
Would like to build a 6 Grendel or similar if I had another one.
Still shorter than a Howa Mini action!
Very impressive shooting. My mod 7 isn't that good but the best group I shot was 8 mm at 100 yards with the Barnes 53 gr TSX but was only doing a bit over 2600 fps. My usual load is the 55 gr Hornady SP/ WC and 25 grs of BM2 for just over 3000 fps. That load at 200 yds was about one inch at 200 yds for the two shots which was good.
What's your go to load for your mod 7 223 ?, mind you those factory Belmont rounds shot very well too.
I did some seating depth testing with a new load at 300 yards today with my Dads old and totally original model 7 243.
87gr Berger Vld Hunting in front of 44gr of H414, in old twice fired Hornady brass. 100 thou off the lands was its prefered OAL giving a 3 shot group of just under 1.25 inches.
Theyre doing 3125 fps with an ES of just 3 fps (only 3 shots) but Dads not going to be shooting much beyond 300 yards or so anyway, but i may stretch the barrel a bit further ;-)
Scope is a cheap older model Vortex Diamondback 4-12. It is more user friendly than the old Leupy 3-9 that use to be on it. The vortex actually dials quite well, and better allows for drop out to 400 yards than guessing holdover with the old leupy.
Dad also finds it much easier to get a good sight picture through and appreciates the extra magnification, his eyes are almost 79 yrs old ;-)
I reckon the old boy will be happy with that, once the weather starts warming up again ill get him out for an easy hunt somewhere and test them out for real.
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I see Remington Arms new owners have started up the Illion plant again, albeit in a limited sense (shotguns only). The media releases say they are planning to add different lines to the plant over time and hopefully they'll get back to full capacity.
You'd hope they would continue with the Model 7 with some updates, as the market for mini/micro short action rifles is strong. It would be a great shame to lose this design forever.
My money is that we'll eventually see Model 7s with super-lightweight stocks.
Yeah hopefully they make them again, pretty neat little rifles. If they can make them as nice as they made this older M7 it'll be awesome. Remington seemed to have a hit and miss reputation, but when you get a good one, they're pretty good.
My 7mm Saum, Dads old 243 and my newer version M7 223 all must have really good barrels, as they all shoot really well. But ive certainly heard the stories about the bad ones too.
Pretty darn good alright, I tend to think the human element has a bit to do with my groups, some days are good others not so.
That 243 of your dads is a nice rifle I had one back in 1986 similar a blued /wooden one, real nice light weight rifle.