Light hunting rifles, absolutely awesome for when you go out but never get anything!
When are they bringing out a model with integral pruning shears for when we end up in supple jack country?
The carbon stock for those come from stocky's in USA, a big company specialising in rifle stock supply and discounts.
Kiwi composite aka southfort labs used to supply them( their stocks where on stockys website and you can still see videos on YouTube about them).
The rumour is that one of the guys left for the USA with some of the moulds and trade secret to try and work with that US company and set up over there. I am not too sure of all the details but basically the stockys kept the moulds and technology and have started making their own stocks while kicking out the kiwi guy.
So if those stocks are sold here it would a bit funny to see the whole thing revolving back to nz.
Then you have to decide if you want to buy stocks made locally by ken Henderson / ( hi-tec composite) ( completely different from kiwi composite/southfort labs)or US counterfeits.