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Thread: New Illegal Police Firearm Policy

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Tell that to Nicky Hagar. The HC judgment comments that the police search warrant and evidence lacked candour. Tell that to the Red Devils who eventually won hands down. The police instead of following the law seem hell bent on usurping it at every turn. If Scott Watson is right he has suffered a huge injustice. Not sure how an ESR scientist finds 2 hairs 3 weeks later after microscopically examine the the article previously.
    hamsav and Steve123 like this.

  2. #62
    308 is offline
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    Scott Watson is as guilty as fuck

    Ain't no-one cleans the UNDERSIDE of a table, unless they are getting rid of evidence
    outdoorlad, Savage1, Tommy and 1 others like this.

  3. #63
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Ditto cleaning the inside of cassette tape covers, cutting lumps out of squabs etc etc. He was also a suspect in another disappearance before Hope and Smart

  4. #64
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauser308 View Post
    I don't really care what the action is, semi, pump, bolt, single, or some combination of all three. Trying to ban something because PNHQ or the bullshit castle in Wellington doesn't like it is a pisstake and an abuse of power.

    I would be pretty pissed off if someone decided to ban 4x4's because they are over-represented in the crash statistics. Next they will be trying to ban blond, blue eyed babies - no wait it was everything but blond, blue eyed babies wasn't it? And we all know how that turned out...

    One of the biggest problems with this country is no constitution and no bill of rights - and I believe there exists a UN resolution stating that NZ should adopt one. Not of interest, our beloved leaders would rather adopt UN arms ammendments...

    As far as the AR15's, how many of those have been used in shooting incidents/accidents in NZ (apart from Police fire and/or military accidents)? It's not the type of firearm involved, as the Police unfortunately discovered a precharge air rifle can be lethal in the wrong hands. Maybe they would be better off spending their efforts improving the mental health service, inter-agency operations and screening and training for licensed firearms owners... So far it seems to be bad policy followed by bad policy et al. I guess they need to be seen to "do something" to justify their salaries???
    New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 No 109 (as at 01 July 2013), Public Act Contents – New Zealand Legislation
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  5. #65
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    Not sure why Police are always copping the flak when they write up a warrant, get it approved by the courts, then execute it.

    Shouldn't people be slagging off the judge or issuing officer for approving the warrant?

    As for the main topic, I'll wait to see what the official line is and have a chat with the AO.
    gadgetman, jim160, Ryan and 6 others like this.

  6. #66
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    Not sure why Police are always copping the flak when they write up a warrant, get it approved by the courts, then execute it.

    Shouldn't people be slagging off the judge or issuing officer for approving the warrant?

    As for the main topic, I'll wait to see what the official line is and have a chat with the AO.
    Please do @Savage1 it will be interesting to see what is going on. No disrespect to the local policeman, unfortunately it sounds like police hierarchy playing politics again.

  7. #67
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    Not sure why Police are always copping the flak when they write up a warrant, get it approved by the courts, then execute it.

    Shouldn't people be slagging off the judge or issuing officer for approving the warrant?

    As for the main topic, I'll wait to see what the official line is and have a chat with the AO.
    Couldn't agree more, I'd love to see the statistics of how many warrants are approved and how many are declined per year, I have a funny feeling there would be little to none declined......
    I suspect that a lot of trust goes to the police from the courts and they sign pretty much anything that comes to them.

  8. #68
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jexla View Post
    Couldn't agree more, I'd love to see the statistics of how many warrants are approved and how many are declined per year, I have a funny feeling there would be little to none declined......
    I suspect that a lot of trust goes to the police from the courts and they sign pretty much anything that comes to them.
    Until a couple of years ago(he is to old now) my grandfather approved after hours warrants as part of his role as a justice of the peace- he told me once that he said no more than 10% of the time, of course the police could then go to a judge the next day and try again if they they felt they could satisfy his objection
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  9. #69
    Member dogmatix's Avatar
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    Just had AO office call me regarding mail order form for an AR lower I'm buying from Digit.
    Wanted me to state its for an A-Cat only and will never be changed to E.
    I told them happy to do so, as it is for an A-Cat build, but that I'll be giving this info to COLFO and the seller for a possible court challenge, as this policy is not in the Arms Act.
    They called me back 5 min later and backed down.
    Beavis, 199p, Savage1 and 13 others like this.
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  10. #70
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Well that says everything

  11. #71
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogmatix View Post
    Just had AO office call me regarding mail order form for an AR lower I'm buying from Digit.
    Wanted me to state its for an A-Cat only and will never be changed to E.
    I told them happy to do so, as it is for an A-Cat build, but that I'll be giving this info to COLFO and the seller for a possible court challenge, as this policy is not in the Arms Act.
    They called me back 5 min later and backed down.
    Good stuff. Make a note of time, date, officer involved etc and hand it to Digit and COLFO anyway. This sneaky bullshit isn't on

  12. #72
    Member dogmatix's Avatar
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    12 Jan 2016
    First call 2.37pm
    2nd call 2.48pm
    Auckland AO - central
    I won't name staff here.
    stretch likes this.
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  13. #73
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogmatix View Post
    12 Jan 2016
    First call 2.37pm
    2nd call 2.48pm
    Auckland AO - central
    I won't name staff here.
    Heh yeah I didn't mean put it on here

  14. #74
    Member dogmatix's Avatar
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    I've sent full details to COLFO and cc'd Digit.
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    Welcome to Sako club.

  15. #75
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by res View Post
    Until a couple of years ago(he is to old now) my grandfather approved after hours warrants as part of his role as a justice of the peace- he told me once that he said no more than 10% of the time, of course the police could then go to a judge the next day and try again if they they felt they could satisfy his objection
    I've had the NZPCA send an OIR on my behalf and theirs to see if we can find an answer to the question.
    P38 and res like this.



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