PS, the vast majority of humans are born thru a vagina, the only exception are politicians. Don't trust an asshole.
ill register after october some time. Just too busy and cant get online at the moment to do so.
I'm not hopeful of a repeal, but I am hoping that by the time I do it they will have experienced and fixed the worst of the major f#%kups- with apologies to all you good citizens who have volunteered your safety as guinea pigs - I salute you!
I know a lot but it seems less every day...
I bought a rifle the day before the registration period began to avoid the teething issues. FAL renewal is 12 months away, I hope by then it will either be gone or at least operating smoothly. I feel very sorry for the gun shops who are likely to be facing reduced sales, although the number of people forced into the registration will increase quickly so the impact will be short lived.
As for the chances of firearm reform or not, that is up to us as voters, time to let our wishes be known and vote accordingly. Three years ago there was a real chance of getting E cat back, this time it's about keeping shooting affordable.
Just don't get the shits over it, you'll be fine!
Plenty of ways to support your local without purchasing firearms, I think every shop in the country would have planned on it being a quiet end of the year and they dont make a lot on new firearms anyway.
Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"
Its a bit like not going hunting because your worried about your car getting done over at the carpark...... The criminals have beaten you into submission.
If you don't buy that rifle you like because your worried about the registration being triggered...... The anti guns and anti hunting politicians have neaten you into submission.
If we hide in the shadows, then they wont know how united and strong we are politically.
Imagine if 250,000 firearms owners register ? then even the most brain dead politicians will wake up and take us seriously.
A new Govt wont help us unless they recognize our political potential.
My way of thinking anyway![]()
Unfortunately firearms owners aren't united. We saw this loud and clear during the buyback with groups such as the NZDA jumping on the "black rifles bad" bandwagon. A few people with cooler heads called for unity at the time, but that didn't happen, and now instead of just taking the semis they've begun the process of taking bolt action rifles. The registry is a precursor to further restrictions and ultimately confiscations - just give it time.
How do you arrive at the conclusion that complying with a requirement forced upon us by law to register firearms will make politicians take us seriously? Very wishful thinking imo.
Simple fact is that the majority of the country doesn't shoot, doesn't understand firearms, and we are just a divided political minority that barely matters in the grand scheme of voter demographics.
There are other analogies one could make that are counter to your one but they go very deep down the rabbit hole.
I'm delaying importing things I want because of the register.
It effects my shooting very very little so its barely even a inconvenience.
The only way the politicans would wake up is of zero people registered their guns.
Or if ACT get 20%+ of the votes in October. Then sends a very very strong message.
@NIMROD fair enough but they know there is 250000 LFAOs out there. They have shown they don't give a rats.if we all registered at once the only bonus may be completely wrecking the system with overload.
Whilst I will register when I have to I will only do it when I have to. I don't agree with its reasoning, I reckon it will be a costly balls-up, and I don't trust the govt or the rozzers to screw us over as soon as they have their own trigger event or such.
Therefore I will carry on my legal way until I have to register to stay legal.
I am not helping them do something I think is stupid
If you're worried about your local shop start stocking up on non triggering items, ammo etc. You'll be supportive and not triggering