Did you lads read in the news about the guy with the dirt bike on the back of his car ( on a trailer) , some dirtbags on motorbikes rock up beside him and point pistols at him. Saying pull over at the next turn off. We want your dirt bike and car . The guy escaped by stomping the brakes .
Who knows if they were real guns or not.....
NZ is fucked.
Patience Is A Virtue
Not going to prematurely reg until the time comes unless the absolute need beforehand, which is unlikely. Not going to give labour, Cahill and greens political voting leverage to broadcast to their worshippers (& hopeful new recruits) that the untrusted gun nuts are all happy with the new laws and are outdoing themselves to rush in and register en-mass proven as statistical evidence of a totally successful trustworthy, secure and safe firearm registry rollout. Also impowers them to charge what they like for the privilege of doing so at anytime they want and then some as the sheep will simply roll over.
As for retail, little margin/turnover on guns only to make a living on, it's the accessories, expendables, camping/tramping gear and seasonal hunting fashion updates that all the bits that Joe public can purchase keeps a business floating.
Yes if act can get 18 to 20 mp in parliament, that will send a very strong signal indeed.
I heard on the radio the other day that only 11000 gun owners had registered stuff. That was encouraging…in a way.
I am in process of registering at the moment. They seem very concern by how many rounds each of your guns can hold and if it is a detachable magazine. I wonder if one of the next move won’t be to limit how many rounds we can have in our guns.
With a complete list of firearms held including caliber, I reckon this will be next on the agenda.......
Anyone want to take a bet?
Pretty much everything these days is DBM, except shotguns. Not seeing the issue there as everything is already limited capacity by law?
Was sorely tempted yesterday in Dunedin H&F. A lovely full wood Carl Gustav in 6.5x55 scoped for $700. There was also Ruger No.1 in 45-120, octagonal barrel - $2000. Not sure about that one but some very good secondhand packages for a newbie like the Howa S/S in 7mm-08 I saw in Cromwell, topped off with a Swarovski worth around $1400-1600 and dpt suppressor at $400 odd, all for just under 2 grand. Pretty much giving the rifle away for nothing.
Centrefire section on TM has over a thousand in it currently. Yes, things have slowed up for now, so if you’re a new FAL holder or you’re already triggered in some way or other, there are certainly bargains to be had now and in the coming months I’m thinking.
“Age is a very high price to pay for maturity”
I think it will detur people and stores may close our locals gone from an average of three rifles a day to 1 at best .
National didnt oppose so I think its a new reality and we will get use to it. 3 weeks in and the police have already had an address whoopsy which doesnt fill everybody fill of confidence
Anecdotally, the existence of the register has already resulted in some FAL holders acquiescing and giving up their firearm sporting interest. I was in the pistol room at a local firearms retailer a week ago and noticed that there were quite a number of second hand pistols. When I asked, the explanation given was that people were selling up and getting out because of the register. This is not going to happen with me but I can understand the why with the less enthusiastic members of our fraternity.
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
I'd hazard a guess and say the next thing to go will be centrefire detachable magazines, then pump actions.