Yes,sounds fast. Sadly my experience went more like this.
Walks to counter,hands form to desk jockey.
Can I see your licence?
we need to see you have one.
I hold it up so it can be read.
Its expired ! and tries to take it.
I hold it back out of reach and explain WHY its expired etc (I went for my new licence last july,and despite ringing every week since xmas,still don't have the damn thing but" its coming within the next week and keep an eye out for it,in the meantime keep your old licence and its valid from the time it expired for ten years".)
Explain all this to the domkopf at the desk who then says its illegal to use an expired firearms licence blah blah.
I laugh,(nervously) and ring the firearms officer whose number I have in my mob and ask him to come rescue me from the front desk guy who is making up laws as he thinks them up.
Get the hell out of there...
still receive rifles a week later so all is well with the world.. till next time.
According to the local shops im not by any means the only one in the same boat. Seems the licences are being hand embossed one by one and hand delivered by a old man on foot.Again, one at a time. Lucky I got in before it expired or id really be waiting a while.