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Thread: New scope and rings problem

  1. #1
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    New scope and rings problem

    Need some advice on what to do next.
    I was very happy to be woken this morning by the courier today, meant my package had finally arrived, thought it was going to be a great day.

    I got a cracking deal on a Burris C4 scope from the States (140US down from 300), and decided I would get some new rings for a few guns too.
    I already had a C4 on my CZ 17hmr and wanted one for my CZ 22lr.

    I also wanted to replace the high rings on my 17hmr with some lower ones and get some equally low ones for the new scope on my 22.
    Everything arrived hunky dory and mounted the two scopes on the two CZs but to my dismay realized that the bolt fouls on the massive serrations on the magnification ring on the C4 on both guns. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

    So as I see it my options are:
    A, Grind a chunk out of my bolt
    B, Grind the serrations off my scopes
    C, gets some taller rings.

    Not keen on A or B, and not to keen on C either.

    The rings on the 17hmr are some low Warne 7.3/22 ones, which I got to replace the same thing but in medium as my check weld was not good.
    The rings on the 22lr are some Burris rimfire which are low, and the next size up is stupidly high. I want the signature rings so I can use the replacable inserts.

    Well there's actually actually option D which is put my Burris Fullfield 2 back on with the low Warnes and the C4 back on with the medium Warnes, but then all I have achieved is making work for myself.

    Have included a picture of the low Warnes to show the fouling, and the Burris ones are 50thou lower again

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  2. #2
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Stupid photo is upside down

  3. #3
    Ex stick thrower madjon_'s Avatar
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    jakewire and BRADS like this.
    Real guns start with the number 3 or bigger and make two holes, one in and one out

  4. #4
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    Haha! Been there "kind of" done that.
    Bought a new rifle and the "gunsmith" in the shop set it up for me… Surprise! Got home and try to work the bolt and there was the exactly same problem. In my case i replace the scope in question for an old one that i had previously, couldn't bother with the stress and time till i "fix it".

    Good luck! Hope you can sort it out easily.


  5. #5
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PERRISCICABA View Post
    Haha! Been there "kind of" done that.
    Bought a new rifle and the "gunsmith" in the shop set it up for me… Surprise! Got home and try to work the bolt and there was the exactly same problem. In my case i replace the scope in question for an old one that i had previously, couldn't bother with the stress and time till i "fix it".

    Good luck! Hope you can sort it out easily.

    Trouble I have is, I wasn't happy with the high rings I had, so I bought some lower ones that don't work.
    So now I need to either make the high ones work for me, or find some in between the standard sizes that will solve both problems.

    I could just use another scope that doesn't have such a huge mag ring, but I like everything that this scope provides for the price.
    Biggest problem have is the options have are either 3 times the price they are or completely non existent over here.

    Oh well, will work something out.

  6. #6
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    Is that a shitty Brno? I have had nothing but trouble with the other end fouling the front sight! I binned the stupid Warnee with their wanking top screws stopping you shimming the scope up to give you clearance and bought some neat Noddy rings! Shimmed the front and the rear up and the Weaver Grandslam fits perfect. Shot a 290 from 300 on Thursday night straight up! Shooting the in door is going to become boring now!
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  7. #7
    Member viper's Avatar
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    I have a CZ 527 in .223, it's the laminated varmint version and I dropped a big variable scope on it only to find that the bolt hit the scope as well, I got my gunsmith to grind away the part of the bolt handle that was hitting it.
    Turned out really nice, he re-blued it and the bolt now has a nice scallop out of it that match's the diameter of the scope, actually looks kinda cool and unless you knew what it was like in the beginning you would never know.
    Don't grind the scope mate, it will look like shit.
    Maca49 likes this.

  8. #8
    P38 is offline
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    IMO A&B are not an option .... from your photos your going to have to grind a fair bit off your bolt or your scope or both.

    Option C is the better option .......... Get higher rings, You'll soon get used to the new shooting position.


  9. #9
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P38 View Post

    IMO A&B are not an option .... from your photos your going to have to grind a fair bit off your bolt or your scope or both.

    Option C is the better option .......... Get higher rings, You'll soon get used to the new shooting position.

    Trouble is I had the higher rings and I didn't like the shooting position. I think I have found some rings that are in between the two Warne sizes hopefully they give me best of both worlds.

  10. #10
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    cheekpad + higher rings
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  11. #11
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    +1 to Gimp!

    I bought a cheek pad to my rifles but they were not tall enough, so I did some "adjustments" and it is great now, in another rifle (all rifles I am talking are .22) a friend made me one where I can put inserts and I love all of them, feel great to shoot with.
    I may put some photos later.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beetroot View Post
    Trouble is I had the higher rings and I didn't like the shooting position. I think I have found some rings that are in between the two Warne sizes hopefully they give me best of both worlds.

  12. #12
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    Try to determine by how much you would have to grind the bolt handle so there is enough material left and it does not weeken and look stupid. That is what I would do first.

    Then look at other ring options: leupold is making some good rings for rimfire( see reloaders they have a good selection) and check this one out: lynxoptic.co.nz they stock what used to be the old hillver rings. They are available in low medium high for most unusual rifles as well.
    I would try all the above before going with high rings and yes I dislike the stupid warnes!

  13. #13
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    I came up with an even weirder solution for my 527 - I didn't wish to remove the rear sight but the 1" scope would not clear with the CZ rings supplied. I ended up using Warne QD 30mm rings and Brownell 1" to 30mm sleaves. Gave me just the right amount of clearance (like credit card gap). Higher 1" rings of any brand would have left me with a scope miles too high. Job is perfect.



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