The nx8 may be a bit heavy at 810g but like what....200 grams too heavy compared to say a vx6.
I've thought about what else would do the same job for less weight but I don't think there is anything.
The nxs 2.5-10x42 is a perfect weight IMO
I have one, awesome scope. Just a touch lightweight on zoom power for longer range but the crosshairs(IHR reticle)on mine are nice and fine so up to 400yards is fine. Make sure you get a Zero stop one, super handy.
That NXS does come in at a good weight. I liked my NX8 but I did notice the extra weight and it was enough that I no longer enjoyed carrying the rifle compared to when it had a VX5 on it. Was an epic scope but in the end I moved it because it just wasn’t the right fit for my personal preferences in a hunting scope.
Yep personal preference. That rifle I posted earlier in the thread came in at around 11 pounds all up. Didn’t mine lugging that everywhere when I was 30. In my late 40’s nah
Just the be clear NF are great scopes
Re eye relief I just checked what my Burris veracity 2-10x42 ffp has and the book says 3.5"-4.25".
If you are running something with a bit of recoil it does become important for a field hunting rifle or one day an uphill shot will give you scope eye.
To be honest all quality scopes are good enough, just some better than others
I used to rate the kahles but mate had trouble with his and two trips to europe and still not sorted.
I haven't played with the kahles latest offerings but no doubt they are very good as all tier one scopes should be.
I still have 6x24x56 15yearold zeiss diavari tactical.
It has its design faults but it is some of the most amazing low light Glass I have ever looked through ever.
Jury is out on what's tougher.
Send me a video of you smacking a spike into wood with your kahles and see how that goes.
Drunk one night I was smashing cans with a nxs crushing them.
Woke up inthe morning thinking what have idone but it was absolutely fine.
I have video some where.
On the piss after a gun buy back event.
We all have choices and choose what ever we perceive will do the job for what we need.
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My favorite sentences i like to hear are - I suppose so. and Send It!
I agree with you that Zeiss are pretty amazing in low light. From ones I have compared / used I think that they beat all others. The East German Zeiss are quite something, made for shooting in darkness, as are their binos.
The glass on NF could be better imo. It is good but it is not the very best, not even as good as Delta and they come from the same factory. Perhaps it is not actually the glass but the coatings ? I dont know but I find the colour definition on some scopes - Leupold being the worst, is a bit washed out making it slower to see the animal against it's background. Target type scopes seem to be coated so that they are very clear and easy to see black on white but if used for hunting it is hard to see colours. This is where Swaro has the edge imo. Nightforce seem like a cross over Target / Hunting scope
I highly rate them that much I’ve got two of them, parallax is handy for a 10 power scope, 2 illumination colours for day and evening shooting, bomb proof reliability as I’ve had mine bounce of the quad a couple of times. Probably one of the most reliable scopes that is versatile you can get for hunting within 600m. 400m is easy on deer with a 308. I just wish I had Mil-Mil now instead of Moa.
The twins on a 308 and a 300BLK.
I have two 1-8 FC-MOA reticle scopes, use them a lot. I don't use the hashes, just dial to 500m on animals. When I'm walking I put the throw lever vertical at 3x and the reticle is very fast to acquire, the lines and hashes become like crosshairs also. Only criticism is when the light is dull the scope can be hard to use past 6x. I do most longer range shooting at 6x and only use 8x in bright light. 6x is excellent. Yes the reticle is fat at 8x but I don't have a problem with it, prefer it to the newer DMX reticle which I don't think performs as well at low mag. I also am not interested in the christmas tree in the DMX. I use 1x with the illum on every now and again when I sneak up on animals. The red dot performance is a bit more picky with your head position but if you shoot with a good cheek weld it works fine. Not as good as a Razor 1-6 which you can see the dot even when the image is black due to your head not being centered.
I have a couple of SHV 3-10 which I prefer to the NXS 2.5-10 due to the german 4 reticles, capped windage, no parallax and price. I dial with them no problem but wouldn't recommend the dialing with an inexperienced shooter due to no ZS. If they put the ZS turret on the SHV I don't think they would sell many NXS 2.5-10.