Can someone please tell me what the width of the rings are at the base of ring where it attaches to the rail. Can't find this measurement anywhere online.
Can someone please tell me what the width of the rings are at the base of ring where it attaches to the rail. Can't find this measurement anywhere online.
I use them on my sako 90 if that helps cheers
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Have you got the ring mounted on the very front slot on your sako 90? This is way I'm keen to know how wide the nightforce rings are looking at them side on. My rings I use normally are the Warne mountain tech's but they are 18mm wide and what I have noticed is when mounting scope on my new sako 90 is the front ring is just starting to bite into the taper of the receiver when mounting on the front slot.
I need to chance my ring height anyway from med's to low so hoping the nightforce rings are 1 or 2mm narrower and will then fit the rifle better.
You able to measure a ring for me please buzzmann?
Hiya yip I’ll measure them today cheers
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Hope these help cheers
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