What are you guys useing in your 332’s I know mine won’t necessarily Like the same stuff but im looking for suggestions
What are you guys useing in your 332’s I know mine won’t necessarily Like the same stuff but im looking for suggestions
Mine liked Aguila Superextra aka Fiocchi HV for hunting, Winchester black packet match, and PMC black packet match.
Would touch 0.5" for groups for all three at 100 meters.
I don't think 22 Magnum or 17 HMR will work.
Just a hunch.
Welcome to Sako club.
I had a mate accidentally shoot a 17hm2 in his 22
The case fireformed perfect lol
But no I’ll definitely be sticking to 22lr lol
Is there somewhere these em332s are sold?
I've just been using the standard velocity CCI stuff in my 332. Seems to shoot as well as I can.
"I heard Jesus did cocaine on a night out. Eyes wide-open, dialated, but he's fine now. And if his father ever finds out, then he'd probably knock his lights out...
Gets a little messy in heaven "
- Venbee
Yep 2nd hand and like rocking horse shit
They don’t make em anymore
People who have them don’t sell them as they are just that good so when one pops up you have to jump at them if you want one
Be Prepared to speed 600 or possibly more for a good one
I got mine as new condition for $550 steal imo
Problem is i don’t really need another 22 but have been waiting for the chance to buy one of these
I now have 3 22’s and only really need 1 but yolo
There was one on trademe
The other day i was looking at
But I went into the local and he had just put one in the rack for sale on behalf he said to the guy that the 1st person who walks in here and knows what this is will buy it i walk in with a mate 5 minutes later and oooh I know what that is We’ll have that thanks lol
My mate actually brought it but then he couldn’t use it well they have a 2 stage trigger and he’s not sensitive Enough in his finger so I got landed with it poor me hahaha
Its Literally as new the guy who sold it rekons it maybe fired 100 rounds
Came with the Original box open sights and 2 matching numbers magazines so she’s a minter
And at $550 a decent price