If it doesn't settle, and the stock tension adjustment doesn't change things look at the barrel and crown. If it's dirty give it a good clean, sometimes .22's (and I know most people think don't clean rimfires) actually do get a layer of crap built up in them which can affect accuracy and there is always the possibility of a bit of rust building up over time due to combustion byproducts. Clean the action and bolt and breech faces including the extractor groove, and then check the crown for unevenness or nicks/damage. Sight mounts, make sure they are tight and can't move. Trigger assembly, had a couple of these that were loose as hell, and that's not ideal! And last one is check the barrel out for bore straightness and bulges, you might be able to feel bulges with a cleaning rod.
Last one is suppressor, if it goes to the pack with the can on but is OK without it that's probably the cause - but it might not be the can itself as well. Might just not like having something hung on it's end!