OK well if you have a one minute rifle and a one minute load, I would personally put the time in to becoming a one-minute shooter. If you can pull off cold bore shots at that range, any day or season or wind or weather, only then would I personally think about pointing at an animal.
You probably know with that much experience, but small errors in reading wind (or angle or distance, which is the point of the thread) and especially the trigger nut, will make a big diference out there.
IMO 600 is where "long range" shooting starts. For me that is well past "hunting" range, and I'd save bragging rights for targets. But if you are confident of humane kills then I'd be the last one to p*ss in your cornflakes about it. There's a local lad known for reliably skittling goats out to 700.
You still gotta go get the thing, though