Thankyou sir, very nice rifle you have there, bluing wear from honest use and clean unmarred timber from being well looked after! Now, if only I could find a bolt for mine I'd have one up and running tooShall post pics of it tonight, it's an ex Canadian military version that's had a very hard life.
now that is a thing of sure look after her well.
It was in good nick when I got it.
Gun Digest? had an article on them that made me interested.
The only I didn't like was the trigger hunting Kaimanawas after big snow and thought I would hunt with safety instead of half cock which isn't that positive and a bit noisy.
Fired when I put safety off, had me buggered for a bit as didn't think I had finger on trigger.
Started to doubt myself.
Then saw a documentary on tv about them.
Fitted a timney.
I fitted a piece of tube into hole in buttstock of pump shotgun and managed to fit 11OZ of #9 shot inside it..recoil reduction was huge and balance worked well...with weight between arms n shoulder the muzzle feels lighter...with 5 rounds in mag it balanced very well.
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Greetings @Maca49,
Out of interest what are those three Martini rifles chambered for?
Regards Grandpamac.
Belay that, found the answer in later post.
Last edited by grandpamac; 10-11-2021 at 05:05 PM.
Not going to beat the cool oldies already put up but 1943 Swedish Mauser Huskie 6.5. Re stocked by my grandfather from military. Used often. Goes with my Swede carbine Huskie from 1943 as well still in full military stock just the front sight changed-- lethal on Stewart Island and on wallaby.![]()
I like the classic stock shape and 700s.
Trigger was poorly adjusted by someone for rifle to fire on safety release.
Dear adjustment and overtravel screws.
Walkers are good triggers if you know what you’re doing.
I shoot goats occasionally with my missus 1860 Snyder. It’s Good fun.
Not hunting rifles ( in my hands)but were used in the day along with the sharps for buffalo hunting
The rolling block has a long history both in military (multiple countries) and sporters for hunting and target shooting
Top to bottom
Sweed millsurp in 8x58 rimed danish (just a donor action for a 40-65 build)
Remington 1-1/2 currently in 38/55 but is going in for a new tube in 38-50 remington Hepburn in a couple of weeks and turned into a target rifle (don’t worry it’s far from original)
Custom build on a sweed millsurp in 38-50 remington Hepburn
Pedersoli Reproduction rolling block in 45/70
Had a bit of a sight re jig yesterday ordered a new sight off outdoors hut for the 45-70 so I put the sights off the 45-70 on the 38/50
So i free up a set of sights for the 1-1/2 when it’s done
Took the 38-50 out and zeroed it
After zero Confirmation group
Fouling shot went a little right as always
Then a 3 shot group at 50y
Sub moa with the smokey stuff