Bit of an odd question, but is anyone able to tell me how sharp the edges of the wood around the action are meant to be ?
I’ve been offered a fairly tidy example, but I feel it’s been sanded more than once
Bit of an odd question, but is anyone able to tell me how sharp the edges of the wood around the action are meant to be ?
I’ve been offered a fairly tidy example, but I feel it’s been sanded more than once
The wood on a standard P14/M17 stock should be about 10mm proud of the action and the edge against the action should be about 90 degrees with a sharp edge. Good photos are needed to check if it is correct.
Ahh, as I suspected we are far far away from a well defined edge.
I’m not well versed on the P14/17 rifles and I am just beginning to get into them but this one’s edges just seem to rounded off for normal wear and tear, I can’t say any of my other military rifles exhibit “round edges”
Does your P14 still have its lobbing sights?
I'll have to go check my M17 now after reading that.
Those pics look normal to me, is there obvious sanding, or just smoothed edges from use?