Sounds like Angela. I've unfortunately had a couple runs in with her, and her unsupported interpretations and requests (see demands) for information that is not legally required.
After several requests for her to process an application, I filed a complaint. I received a prompt reply from her boss, apologising and accepting full responsibility for the delay (respect for that).
I would recommend that anyone encountering AOs demanding unnecessary information or attempting to impose illegal requirements, 'stick to your guns'.
Every time people acquiesce to their illegal actions, it encourages their behavior and means another will have to fight the same battle in your stead.
Be polite, but do not yield. Escalate it higher as required or submit a complaint. Let them know that you are unhappy with the service you are receiving. They have to respond and their performance is measured.
I know we all want a speedy resolution, and don't want any hassles. However, fighting the smaller battles now, will help not only yourself, but the community as a whole.
Today is the day to stand up for your community.