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Thread: Police at it again

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    @gadgetman - you've nailed it. And the police miss the fact that their actions cost them the respect and goodwill of a heck of a lot of good people.
    cambo, gadgetman, mikee and 4 others like this.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Meanwhile, gangs or people of that like, don't obey laws. It's there whole motto.
    So the genuine people are the only ones getting it in the neck, what good is that...
    The whole thumbhole stock thing is a fucken joke. I'd like an AR but there fucken ugly with the stupid stock, and it's only to make some dreamer think it looks less dangerous, who the fuck thought of that. None of these clowns are practical, or have half a brain between the lot of them.
    mikee and 40mm like this.

  3. #93
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bully View Post
    Meanwhile, gangs or people of that like, don't obey laws. It's there whole motto.
    So the genuine people are the only ones getting it in the neck, what good is that...
    The whole thumbhole stock thing is a fucken joke. I'd like an AR but there fucken ugly with the stupid stock, and it's only to make some dreamer think it looks less dangerous, who the fuck thought of that. None of these clowns are practical, or have half a brain between the lot of them.
    There is that old adage, "If you have half a mind to get into politics you're over qualified."
    timattalon and 40mm like this.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  4. #94
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordite View Post
    Police advised the Minister of Police that shooters undermine the objective of the act by importing parts and assembling them into MSSAs, even if they do it legally.

    "...and undermined the objective of the 1992 amendment act, that is to limit the number of MSSAs in New Zealand".

    First of all they don't know the difference between aim and objective. You set an objective task to complete, aiming to achieve something thereby.

    Second, I digressed, is the reduction of the number of MSSAs in NZ the actual stated aim of the act?
    Got a PM from a community member pointing out that certainly wasn't the purpose of the amendment.

    The purpose of the amendment was outlined as:


    The aim of the Bill is to amend the Arms Act 1983 (the Act) to:

    amend the definition of military style semi-automatic firearm (MSSA);

    enable regulations to be made declaring a firearm or type of firearm to be an MSSA, and to define or describe features of a firearm that is an MSSA;

    provide for an appeal process to the District Court to apply when a firearms owner disagrees with a classification of a firearm as an MSSA; and

    place restrictions on the importation of airguns that look like real pistols, MSSAs, or restricted weapons [1] .

    No mention of reducing MSSA numbers.

    mikee, Tommy and Cordite like this.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by gadgetman View Post
    There is that old adage, "If you have half a mind to get into politics you're over qualified."
    "If you have half a mind to join railways, go ahead, that's all you need, oh, and a good strong back for lifting things. Here at Tea shed station we lift anything thats not nailed down......" Thats a quote from the Mcphail and Gadsby RECORD. (Yes they did an LP way back when.....)

  6. #96
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6x45 View Post
    I haven't waded through the 6 pages of replies but is there anyone who supports this new way of thinking apart from me?

    The government has it's reasons and the vehicle they use is the Police. The Police don't just take on extra work in the general sense without a directive from up the food chain. So your angst should be at central government. Where is falls over is leaving it solely to the Police, they have a pretty crap system for managing all things firearms related (it not most things). The ground troops and most in the arms offices around NZ also have a poor understanding of the law and a lot of things related to firearms.

    I know of one person in NZ that had a D class and was importing so called "A" cat parts. They were then on-selling them to a man of a middle eastern background who was believed to be supplying a well known gang in West Auckland in an "E" cat form. So instead of laying all this on the NZ Police, perhaps point the finger at some of our pairs who bend the rules daily while we sit by and say "its not us, its not our problem". Well if the replies here are anything to go by, it is now your problem and it is not going away.

    Paraphrasing police statements and interpreting them to suit your own agenda or way of thinking is also pretty small time. Think of what the real issue is and try to get your thinking aligned before commenting. This is the internet however, it hardly reflects the real world at times.

    I'm all for tougher laws around firearms and firearms related offences. It is however a complex machine involving a lot a working parts and government departments don't often get that right.
    the police expect us to live to the letter of the law.

    the police can dam well lead by example.
    until it is law then they need to piss right off.
    mikee and timattalon like this.
    Use enough gun

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    NO ,

    This stuff is driven & owned by the Police Head shed , they have been pushing this and other stuff as well , & are selling it to the beat cops , simply by repeating thier anti-gun agenda ( say it long enough & loud enough & it seems to be RIGHT ) , and the inexperienced , ie new cops believe them .

    To me the NZ Police has been in physical & moral decline for at least the last 15-20yrs , they standards that recuits have to meet have been lowered ,
    1) They lowered the size/height requeried ( ie they did not want hobbits/dwarfs etc ) , so short people could join .
    2 ) They meraged the Traffic Officers into the Police , the Traffic , had different/lower entry stds .
    3 ) They started recuiting directly from overseas
    4 ) They changed the vetting stds for having previous criminal convictions/blackmarks ( you use to have to be squerky clean to get in )

    So IF you think our Police force is getting better , than it once was in the past , you are delusional , this trend will continue , its getting away from a true NZ Police Force , and becoming a weird international force , as we have senior people from overseas , that are changing NZ into a mini version of the country they left , countries that have a little to no real freedom .

    And I am wondering IF anyone offer than me has noticed IT ,
    veitnamcam, R93, JoshC and 7 others like this.

  8. #98
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisF View Post
    NO ,

    This stuff is driven & owned by the Police Head shed , they have been pushing this and other stuff as well , & are selling it to the beat cops , simply by repeating thier anti-gun agenda ( say it long enough & loud enough & it seems to be RIGHT ) , and the inexperienced , ie new cops believe them .

    To me the NZ Police has been in physical & moral decline for at least the last 15-20yrs , they standards that recuits have to meet have been lowered ,
    1) They lowered the size/height requeried ( ie they did not want hobbits/dwarfs etc ) , so short people could join .
    2 ) They meraged the Traffic Officers into the Police , the Traffic , had different/lower entry stds .
    3 ) They started recuiting directly from overseas
    4 ) They changed the vetting stds for having previous criminal convictions/blackmarks ( you use to have to be squerky clean to get in )

    So IF you think our Police force is getting better , than it once was in the past , you are delusional , this trend will continue , its getting away from a true NZ Police Force , and becoming a weird international force , as we have senior people from overseas , that are changing NZ into a mini version of the country they left , countries that have a little to no real freedom .

    And I am wondering IF anyone offer than me has noticed IT ,
    I have
    JoshC and rewa like this.
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  9. #99
    Join Date
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    Unrelated , BUT .

    My farmer mate , gets stopped outside his house in town at 0430 hrs , on his way to his farm , ask for licence , hasnt got it on him , so go back into house & gets it , they look at it , run it thru the computer , IT tells them he has NO licence due to the fact he is DEAD .
    My mate says he is plainly NOT dead , and says he will get his passport to prove he is who he says he is , they look at it & say he has NO car licence according to the Police computer , and as such if they catch him driving , they will arrest him .
    They have already taken his keys off him , there is now 2 cop cars & 4 cops stopping him from going to work on his farm .
    My mates getting very annoyed , and has no more time to waste with them , so just gets his wife to drive him to the farm .
    This is on the weekend , so when he gets back later in the day , he calls his lawyer for advice , has her do a letter to Police advising IF he gets arrested , he will be taking legal action against them , because he is NOT Dead , and thats the reason his licence has been revoked , it would seem logical and self evident at this stage , that by being alive & talking to them he is NOT dead , you would think right , NO .
    They will still arrest him if they catch him , because has No car licence due to him being DEAD , he gets another lift to work , its still weekend .
    Lawyer gos to see Police on Monday to sort it out .

    Now , mate as good as I am , I could not dream that sh&^ up , thats another level of craziness right there .

    This shows a level of arrogance , illogical & studipness that is staggering , I still cannot believe it .
    Steve123 and rewa like this.

  10. #100
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisF View Post
    Unrelated , BUT .

    My farmer mate , gets stopped outside his house in town at 0430 hrs , on his way to his farm , ask for licence , hasnt got it on him , so go back into house & gets it , they look at it , run it thru the computer , IT tells them he has NO licence due to the fact he is DEAD .
    My mate says he is plainly NOT dead , and says he will get his passport to prove he is who he says he is , they look at it & say he has NO car licence according to the Police computer , and as such if they catch him driving , they will arrest him .
    They have already taken his keys off him , there is now 2 cop cars & 4 cops stopping him from going to work on his farm .
    My mates getting very annoyed , and has no more time to waste with them , so just gets his wife to drive him to the farm .
    This is on the weekend , so when he gets back later in the day , he calls his lawyer for advice , has her do a letter to Police advising IF he gets arrested , he will be taking legal action against them , because he is NOT Dead , and thats the reason his licence has been revoked , it would seem logical and self evident at this stage , that by being alive & talking to them he is NOT dead , you would think right , NO .
    They will still arrest him if they catch him , because has No car licence due to him being DEAD , he gets another lift to work , its still weekend .
    Lawyer gos to see Police on Monday to sort it out .

    Now , mate as good as I am , I could not dream that sh&^ up , thats another level of craziness right there .

    This shows a level of arrogance , illogical & studipness that is staggering , I still cannot believe it .
    But again and sadly I do

    I had a young copper inspect my endorsed firearms get all snotty cause I had not welded or chemset the bolts holding the safe to the floor. Was all set to seize my stuff and muttering I should have known better etc etc till II suggested it might not matter considering in order to unbolt the bolts they would have had to open the safe to access them..............or did he think the crims might want to steal my safe too.
    outdoorlad, 40mm, Cordite and 1 others like this.
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  11. #101
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    excellent. I bet he finished up pretty quickly after that!
    Use enough gun

  12. #102
    Member jim160's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikee View Post
    But again and sadly I do

    I had a young copper inspect my endorsed firearms get all snotty cause I had not welded or chemset the bolts holding the safe to the floor. Was all set to seize my stuff and muttering I should have known better etc etc till II suggested it might not matter considering in order to unbolt the bolts they would have had to open the safe to access them..............or did he think the crims might want to steal my safe too.
    Maybe the young cop was told by the senior staff that they must be bolted and welded, or chemset because it says in the rules that it "may be used", and they for whatever read that as it had to be done.
    Strange shit happens where people are told something only to find out its wrong.

    You could always join and do the job that they do. Im sure its harder to do than you think it is.

  13. #103
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GDMP View Post
    My father worked for the Police for about 4 years or so ,as a volunteer after he sold the farm and retired.Actually he liked both the police officers he generally worked alongside, he thought they were both pretty good,community minded people.....but as an organisation his advice was to have as little to with them as possible...and no,you could not make that stuff up could you.
    Yup, the guys on the street are generally pretty good. It is the seat polishers, with an agenda, we really have yo worry about.
    40mm and csmiffy like this.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  14. #104
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim160 View Post
    Maybe the young cop was told by the senior staff that they must be bolted and welded, or chemset because it says in the rules that it "may be used", and they for whatever read that as it had to be done.
    Strange shit happens where people are told something only to find out its wrong.

    You could always join and do the job that they do. Im sure its harder to do than you think it is.
    I'm sure it is harder than I think too, BUT they chose to do it, I did not. I choose to be law abiding however
    Maca49, 40mm, Cordite and 1 others like this.
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  15. #105
    Join Date
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    Christchuch New Zealand
    I was waiting at the arms office for a license renewal and was behind a gent asking how to secure his new safe in his new (to be built) house. Officer was reading the "rules" regarding chem set etc when I piped up and asked "Have you poured the concrete for the wall yet?" He said "No". So I suggested that it could be a good idea to fit some large U bolts into the concrete around the reinforcing and hold it on place by bassing it through the boxing and bolting it in place to the boxing. The the officer asked "How would you chem set it?" to which I replied "Why would you? The only way to remove a U bolt would be to destroy the wall as the bolt passes through the core structure." I then suggested the best time to fit any fastening for attaching a safe is at the building stage rather than retro fit it later. Also suggested it would be a damn sight stronger than any chemset etc. Also suggested to run internal trunking inside the concrete for a power socket inside the cabinet and for alarm cables for a door sensor while you were at it. Cop looked at me like I was some sort of guru. I made some remark about it being simple common sense and all it took was a little fore thought.
    gadgetman, Pengy, Cyclops and 4 others like this.



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